quadrivium 7


Athens US   Feb 2017


Artist Bio

Influences:   jazz, blues, Gershwin, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Seanan McGuire, Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff, vixy and Tony, Sunnie Larsen, Betsy Tinney, Amy McNally, Aretha Franklin, Diana Krall, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Ookla the Mok

Mary Crowell is a singer/songwriter and piano teacher who loves mythology and playing Dungeons & Dragons. She may be seen at science fiction and filk conventions performing and accompanying concerts on piano and occasionally clarinet. Her second solo album, Acolytes of the Machine & Other Gaming Stories, is a musical love letter to the hobby of RPG gaming. Scattering Seeds on the Pomegranate Tour is her third solo album and is a mythic musical journey! Fourth one coming soon!


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  • @janeg  Mar 2022

    Not at all sorry I sent you down an Internet rabbit hole about the game Napoleon. What are friends for? BTY, did you know there was also a Japanese game of Nap?

  • @jeff9  Mar 2022

    Hey, thanks so much for the comments on "Curmudgeon's Farewell"!

  • @infilktion Mar 2022

    I hope you enjoy the series, if you end up reading it. I am a few books in currently. Thanks for the wonderful comment!

  • @halfwayhome  Mar 2022

    With regard to the percussion in Strong Coffee.... can I pretend it was absolutely intentional, and genuinely a meticulously captured sound of a coffee scoop? And since you had the imagination to hear it in there, I'll give you the performance credit for playing the 'Coffee Scoop' when it's released as a single. Which it undoubtedly should be.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comments on 'Tired of the Blues'! Yes, I placed the two (identical parts) acoustic guitars at about a 60% pan to each side, with the reverbs for each panned the other side, glad to hear it works!

  • @psyt Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on Etude 16, Mary. By the way, have you come up with anything you like for Paradise Lost? There were a few more people (two of whom not on FAWM) who liked the lyrics and the instrumental and wanted to give it a shot, but gave up similarly to me.
    (It's fine if it stays an instrumental too, I don't intend any pressure with the question, just curious if anything's come up.)

  • @psyt Feb 2022

    Re: Paradise Lost
    I tried two melodies with those vocals, but neither felt right, so I'm open to whatever you've got. :)

  • @tawny249  Feb 2022

    Heeey! You're here! Awesome. Will check out your stuff soon. Glad to see you. <3

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    By the way I decided to record a demo. If you want to hear an old guy rap, it's there.

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Thanks for taking the time to read my lyrics only song. I have to admit that I had to look up both anapest and dactyl. I am an engineer. I have no idea what I’m doing from a technical standpoint! So thanks for turning me on to some new words!

    I will be back to have a listen when I’m listening on just my phone speaker.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Something Wicked'! You are the first person to note the familiar intro notes!

  • @quadrivium  Feb 2022

    Thanks Eric! @ericdistad It is great to try this again this year!


  • @ericdistad  Feb 2022

    Welcome back to FAWM! Great to see you here!