Mr Pumpkinhead 17

Artist Bio

Influences:   Life.

Hi happy FAWMers.

2022! This year is gonna be great and February will set the wonderful tone. I have a couple of songs cooking and will write songs about peace and love.

Here they are:

Love you all!


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  • @pumpkinhead Mar 2022

    For those who are interested you can find this years songs all gathered here. :)

  • @kembole Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comments... again. :D
    Thats actually a yanky 4/4 ;)

  • @daveyboy103  Mar 2022

    Ken really wanted to do the Dust of a Broken Dream. Not part of this years FAWM for me though as it has been done previously.

  • @tunecat  Mar 2022

    Thanks for coming by my site: it’s not that representative this year . Loving all yours I’ve heard! Greetings from uk!

  • @philmcmill  Feb 2022

    Congratulations on making 14 songs! And thanks for all your kind comments on several of my songs - much appreciated!

  • @elainedimasi  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments and comments and comments!! You mentioned my punk singer mode. A song ANTS is up and fits that bill nicely :-) Will get back to more from your board soon too!

  • @kembole Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments yet again. I threw the lyrics in to google translate and looks like I need to do a translation myself :D

    And what comes to the @js6 -song all the glory goes to him :)

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Pumpkinhead, thanks for reviewing Waiting By The Silvery Rio Grande.

  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    Maybe I will still end up with the widow, when burning in hell!

  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    Howdy, Mister! Thank you! I'm going through every reincarnation ending up as a cowboy. I might do something wrong... :-)

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    Hi @pumpkinhead, thank you for your comments. Yeah, why not... lets meet in Berlin and bring musical fun to the Berliner :-)

  • @mmmmarcus Feb 2022

    Thank you kindly for the nice comments on Is This Love as well as In The Wake of Anger! Glad you liked em (an yup, mainly the one guitar track on Is This Love, just additional ones for chorus and solo).

  • @lissielou79  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your lovely comment. It's always nice if someone can hear other instruments on the song. Cheers. :)

  • @sueawesome Feb 2022

    hi pumpkin, sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, I was in a car accident (I’ll be ok, I’m just really sore/headache). it might be a few days until I can think of something and get back to you. if you could send me a few song/chants that are similar to what you’re thinking that might help me to not overthink the lyrics.

  • @oldlostjohn Feb 2022

    Ah, new but old then, as I understand Pete Back is retired since more than a decade. Congrats for picking up a guitar by an individual small-scale instrument builder. I have two guitars by Canadian David Webber (retired a few years ago I believe), and I adore them both.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Hej, I think it's best that we at least have a positive mindset. Things will go bad or well, but if we're all negative now we're suffering early.

    Anyway, I took a chance and wrote a song in Swedish, Sov min käraste, Hope I got the Swedish right!

  • @sueawesome Feb 2022


  • @sueawesome Feb 2022

    I would love to!! that sounds like a fun challenge. let me know if there’s specifics you want me to cover or if it’s just open to what comes to me. interestingly, I started a piece called Oceana that had very few words because the intent was to focus on sound and melody.

  • @keykeyg Feb 2022

    thanks for your kind comment on my song

  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Perhaps it's your UA LA-610 that adds that warmth. Do you think? I'm not experienced with pre-amps. I actually purchased a used preamp this summer but it is very clean sounding, similar to my audio interface. Or perhaps it's that beautiful new guitar of yours...Spruce & Mahogany? Or perhaps just beautiful playing. Whatever it is, it is delightful.

  • @safred Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening to my track, appreciate the feedback :)

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Howdy pumpkinhead and thanks for listening to Blue Ridge Mountain Blues.

  • @tangle Feb 2022

    Same to you!! Can't wait to hear what you make. :)

  • @farmyardorchestra Feb 2022

    Hello! Isn't it time soon to let the dance begin?

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    good luck this year! I hope you’ll be back

  • @oldlostjohn Jan 2022

    Tjena, Pumpan! Pumpa upp sylten!