Todd Gehman 14


NYC US   Jan 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Elliott Smith, Guided By Voices, Pixies, Gillian Welch, Neil Innes, etc

My long, sordid history of speed-writing and speed-recording and speed-pseudo-mixing and speed-pretending-to-master songs to fit annual lyrical themes:

2022 FAWM COMPLETE - 14 songs about crap that happened in 2021
2021 FAWM INCOMPLETE - 8 songs about crap that happened in 2020
2020 FAWM INCOMPLETE - 5 drinking songs
2018 FAWM INCOMPLETE - 5 songs about globetrotting
2016 FAWM COMPLETE - 14.5 songs about New York City
2015 FAWM COMPLETE - 14 songs about Ballard, Seattle

2008 NaSoAlMo INCOMPLETE - 11 songs about random Wikipedia articles
2007 NaSoAlMo COMPLETE - 18 songs about NaSoAlMo itself
2006 NaSoAlMo COMPLETE - 12 songs about photography
2005 NaSoAlMo COMPLETE - 9 songs about watermelons

I'm so dependent on the deadline/excuse that I don't work on my own music outside of FAWM. So I try to get each piece as fully-realized as I can during the month. I mostly do short songs with full-band rock/pop/folk arrangements (plus occasional live-take acoustic tunes) and work with live instruments except when Logic plays the drum kit or maestro MIDI conducts a string section. I once had a home studio where I could track rudimentary drums live, but I've never had a home chamber orchestra - not even a rudimentary one.

Very open to constructive criticism - especially mixing tips!


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  • @davewermers Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment!

  • @actualjulian  Feb 2022

    Hey Todd, congrats on finishing this year! Shout out to my fellow New Yorker! I'll get at you on Soundcloud so we can stay in touch. May the FAWM be with you ALWAYS

  • @fiddlerblick80 Feb 2022

    Hey thanks! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

  • @paulharrison  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening and commenting on Right About You! I know this is a busy time for FAWMers .

  • @beyondthelimes  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Tropic of Capricorn. Glad to see I'm not the only sucker for the sound of a Mellotron!

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    welcome back!