Melody Klein 15


Haifa IL   Jan 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Everything under the sun, and then some more.

Hi all, Melody here. 36 year old music chick from Israel. Pronouns: she/her

My new year's resolution for 2022 is to write 100 (or more) songs during the year, at a schedule of 2 songs each week (and 2 weeks off if I want to take a vacation at some point). The first one each week is to be created from the oldest project I saved that inspires me, and the second being from the newest (but new projects I started after the year started aren't valid options for this).
January went well, with 8 songs written, and I'm happy with all of them.

You're welcome to come listen to the rest of my work on my bandcamp site (that is full of NSFW cover images, be warned.)

Propellerhead Reason 10
KRK RP6G2 monitors
Nektar Impact LX49
Behringer Uphoria UMC202HD
Devine BM-500 microphone
A gorgeous pink saxophone (unbranded)
Fender CD220SCE guitar
Fully custom electric guitar (unbranded)
Behringer B-1 microphone
Hohner Marine Band (G harmonic minor) harmonica
Some different ethnic flutes
Rack Extensions:
Audiorealism ABL3 1.1.1
iZotope Inc. Ozone Maximizer
Softube Saturation Knob
Polyverse Comet
Lectric Panda Fritz
Orchen K Glitch

My liveact rig (though not likely to use it for FAWM) :
Elektron Machinedrum UW MKII
Roland TB3
Behringer TD3 (purple!)
Roland JD-Xi
Elektron Analog 4
Zoom MS70CDR
Behringer Q1002USB

--Have a great FAWM, everyone. :D


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  • @sarahk Mar 2022

    Hi! I dig your stuff and am interested in collaboration, specifically vocals for Paradise Lost. Not sure if you're still around, but shoot me an email if so. Sarah.k.krause at Gmail dOt com

  • @jdschramm Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "My Real Face" melody. Nice to see you back here again this year.

  • @juhol  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment! I think "downtempo acid" or similar is more descriptive for your tracks. It's quite unique sound you have!

  • @pfaffbrill  Feb 2022

    Hey fellow Reason user! ;-)

  • @akokulit Feb 2022

    Thanks for passing by and your feedback :) I really appreciate it. Looking forward to your songs again this year.

  • @chasingandromeda  Jan 2022

    Good to see back again this year, Melody!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Howdy, howdy! Hope all is well with you. Here's to a productive FAWM2022!

    *peace out*

  • @looprication  Jan 2022

    Hey Melody! Hope you’re back in 2022!