povosos 17


Lappeenran FI   Jan 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   In this project main musical influence will be Bell Witch and sith music. This years album will tear up some of the deeper wounds of mine, more than 10 years ago. You can also send me a bit of your meanest possible laugh. 3 seconds will do, and it would be included to the first song.

Random projects from the past

2021 Fawm: Pövösös - Riffs in Pieces


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  • @litorne  Feb 2022

    @povosos thanks too for your comment!

  • @esc4p3  Feb 2022

    Thanks for all your comments on my songs, really appreciate it. I find it difficult to believe after all these years I can just suddenly create songs out of nowhere, should have started when I was much younger! I'm not sure I'm ready for a Collab yet though, feels like a step too far this year.

  • @momentegalerie Feb 2022

    I finally recorded it!!!! It's on its way to you!

  • @arkka  Feb 2022


  • @pianoonthepatio Feb 2022

    thank you for your lovely comment on Finding Blue Garden! and for reading the liner notes. It's fun to have people to resonate with or talk to about it. And yes, Spitfire is fire~

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    You didn’t tell me of you were indeed s trumpet player??!!

  • @starfinger Feb 2022

    i've never been compared to Peter Steele before.. thanks!!

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Hahah, I guess, since I didn't know that one track even had punk stuff! :D Cheers for the comment, I'm glad you liked Tarina... :)

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment on Ukkoslinnun sulat, glad you liked it! I wasn't aiming for particularly punk approach, but since you were the second person to mention it, I guess I have to believe you guys, heh! :)