Postcard Helicopters 0


US   Jan 2006

Artist Bio

No bio for this fawmer. :(

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @fuzzy  Feb 2022

    Hey, no worries, it's all good!
    There's so much to do this month I'm not sure I would've gotten around to it either.

  • @kable Jan 2022

    Thanks for the kind words. Harmony Ray is alive and kicking!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Class of 2006 represent!

  • @santadharma Jan 2022

    Hello! Welcome back! We are back, not sure how much music we'll make, but that's always how it goes. Looking forward to your songs!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    So good to see you here again!! Looking forward to your FAWM adventures...

  • @toms  Jan 2022

    Spring reverb taken from an old Danelectro-made Sears amp! :D

  • @headfirstonly  Jan 2022

    Us old dudes have to stick together, you know. And 'follow what happens' is an excellent plan. Happy FAWMing!

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    :) I have no idea what periodic chairs would look like but yeah. Someone said I should move on to writing songs about compounds and molecules but that sounds painful.

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Hey! Have a great FAWM, you! :-)