Oren Robinson 34


US   Jan 2019

Artist Bio

Influences:   Everything from Bach to Beck, Mozart to Mandolin Orange, Dufay to Decemberists or Willy, Waylon and the boys.

Picker, grinner, singer, teacher, farmer, lumberjack, bad cook, worse house keeper and can sort of juggle three balls two or three times.

pronouns: he/his

You can check out some other work at my band's Youtube channel.

Some old FAWM Songs and some others. Have fun and happy FAWMing.

Songs (34)

#1 Same Ol Same 7
Feb 2022
#2 Groundhog's Day 10
Feb 2022
#3 I Value You 9
Feb 2022
#4 Balance 12
Feb 2022
#5 L'Homme Arme 6
Feb 2022
#6 I'm So Pretty 20
Feb 2022
#7 Burn Down with Grace 9
Feb 2022
#8 I HaVE MAdE BaD ARt 8
Feb 2022
#9 Take Away 17
Feb 2022
#10 Train 16
Feb 2022
#11 Muse 4
Feb 2022
#12 Armor 7
Feb 2022
#13 Too Busy on Valentine's Day 19
Feb 2022
#14 A lot of ways I can Suck 12
Feb 2022
#15 Make 3
Feb 2022
#16 Given at the Perfect Time 4
Feb 2022
#17 Fall 9
Feb 2022
#18 To Many Donuts 10
Feb 2022
#19 I Miss Playing St Patrick's Day 18
Feb 2022
#20 It's a Mad World 25
Feb 2022
#21 Living in a Dream 24
Feb 2022
#22 When Will We Learn 15
Feb 2022
#23 Ghostly life 18
Feb 2022
#24 A Song About Race 7
Feb 2022
#25 Beginning 5
Feb 2022
#26 All of Me Friday Freedoms 5
Feb 2022
#27 Medicine 9
Feb 2022
#28 Made Manifest 8
Feb 2022
#29 Treading 8
Feb 2022
#30 The Wave 11
Feb 2022
#31 Survived it 11
Feb 2022
#32 Running 2
Feb 2022
#33 More 18
Feb 2022
#34 The Secret Agent 9
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @siasa  Mar 2022

    Hey, likewise, thanks for all your kind comments on my songs, and good to make your acquaintance! Not quite finished listening to your prolific output, but I will catch up.

    And do take me up on that beer if you make it over. Edinburgh has a decent range of drinking establishments of various stripes.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    Thank you for your reply to my Mum i will tell her this Sunday good luck son. lol. hahahaha.

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    'You Suck Me In' has been musicated ! https://fawm.org/songs/134302/

  • @steer Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my song Beast Mode!

  • @liz561  Feb 2022

    I guessed about the music teacher bit!

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Just to add to that comment - your song ‘it’s a mad mad world’ is really great! And hi I think we met and collabed last year!!!

  • @franniezest  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the chord suggestion! I’m gonna try it out :)

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    thanks for listening to my "Valentunes." I went to your YouTube channel, that is some very sweet music there! well done. and I'll watchlist you here so I can listen to your new songs when I have a bit more time. Cheers. Happy FAWMing.

  • @siasa  Feb 2022

    Hey Oren, thanks for your kind words on 'Empire.' Glad it spoke to you - and yes, the theme is pretty universal I reckon, which is why we end up with such mad leaders....

  • @vainhirvain  Feb 2022

    Thanks for commenting on my lyric-only and not being intimidated by finnish language. I really like your music, I'm watchlisting you because I wanna come back and listen more. Btw Congrats on winning!

  • @ajna1960  Feb 2022

    For your students: The Little Blue Engine https://fawm.org/songs/132219/

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022

    Hey, Oren, thanks for breaking the Maine Forum "Zong!" You're way ahead of me. Best laid plans etc. Still trying to figure out how to upload songs so they'll actually play.

  • @papaooo  Feb 2022

    Hey, Oren, thanks for breaking the Maine Forum "Zong!" You're way ahead of me. Best laid plans etc. Still trying to figure out how to upload songs so they'll actually play.

  • @redlady8029 Feb 2022

    Hi Oren

    Thanks for commenting on "In a Marching Band". Wow. you have already written 14 songs already. Congratulations

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your nice comment

  • @siasa  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for your comment on my song! I shall have a listen to yours shortly, after I've fired up the Telecaster (copy) and made some progress with my next...

  • @potentialspam  Feb 2022

    Hey Oren, thanks for checking out my song about Bitcoin. Your songs are great. Very funny, especially I'm So Pretty. Good stuff!

  • @slightlydrunk  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind feedback on "The Awakening" and happy fawming!

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Two Chelsea Buns"!

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on “Left Ankle Blues”!

  • @franniezest  Feb 2022

    Thanks for checking out my song :)

  • @corvisier Feb 2022

    Merci l'ami pour ton commentaire !
    Thank you my friend for your comment.
    Good work too ! nice songs.
    "I Value You" my favorite !
    "L'Homme Armée" : oh a french title !

  • @farmyardorchestra Feb 2022

    By the way - check up on google translate what "oren" means in Swedish! (I offer it as s little bit of fun. I have absolutely no intention of being rude!) :-D

  • @farmyardorchestra Feb 2022

    Thank you for your kind words on my Geological Survey!