Daniel Jun Kim (he/him) 4


Los Angele US   Jan 2015


Artist Bio

Influences:   You people on FAWM.

*tap tap* Is this thing still on?

Hi, fam, no way, it's 2022?! Get the f**k out of here! Is the Apocalypse over yet?

Oh, and I've gone back back to Cali Cali. :)


I posted a challenge:



EDIT: Just did a podcast episode where I interviewed four FAWMers (@ampersandman @elesimo @mikeskliar @wylddandylyon). Here's the link:



    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Sorry that was meant for Robyn though maybe … I wrote a lot of vaguely politely stuff and still do maybe it’s cool to make connections with others on that same train!!

  • @tunecat  Feb 2022

    Listening to the tuck your money had me going back to a song of mine ( same chords) I from FAWM 2018 mm i had an idea it was on the same sentiment anyway not sure it is exactly but for what it’s worth sharing with you https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/arNJf8HxypcGR5sq6.

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    I appreciate your note. If my comments are providing encouragement and strength, then my efforts here have not been wasted :)

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Wow, I hope that everything is okay for you! Best wishes from me to you!

  • @chandra83  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments! :)

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Hey, man, cheers for the comment on Suden varjo! I'm glad you liked it! :)

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    Instrumental headed to your inbox!

  • @robynmackenzie  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks so much for your awesome comments, so glad you enjoyed the tune! I'd love to hear what you come up with as far as rap, so I'm more than happy to send you the instrumental. It'll come your way either tonight or tomorrow via email unless there's a better way you'd like me to get it to you.

  • @carlos Feb 2022

    Ok thanks, yes if you can put it up on your site and just add @carlos as collab .. that would be fab .. I’ll try to fix the issue or just use Dropbox or onedrive. :). Thx!

  • @carlos Feb 2022

    Thanks Daniel! Yeah really strange, it keeps flipping for me working then not working… same URL structure I’ve always used.. I did put a Q on the forums

    One more ask,

    Can you see this?




  • @carlos Feb 2022

    Thanks again.. I think I got this time.. something was happening with my site SSL.. and now it is working on my own Edge browser that wasn't before ... :/

  • @carlos Feb 2022

    Hi Daniel! Thx for stopping by.. yeah not sure what’s Going on… it works fine on chrome on pc and iPad.. but explorer Aldo doesn’t load.. my URL is valid but I think there is something wrong with the URL form .. can you try the link I have in the liner notes and see if that works? Thx!!

  • @toms  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the kind comments and the listen!

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    2015, I think?

  • @cts  Feb 2022

    I want to thank you for reaching out to collaborate. I had a creative catharsis that has made me cry several times. I'm determined to go through it again and when I do I will send it to you. Thank you again, Daniel.

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    Yes! I haven’t thought about it in ages, but I remember the one you’re talking about! I found that song in my archives. I’ve come a long way with my production skills since then, but I still quite like this song despite the poor recording :)


  • @richaaaay  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on The Collapse. Your challenge certainly inspired Sunfire to do some great lyric writing!

  • @owl  Feb 2022

    Ahhh you’re back! Thank you so much for listening, I hope you’re doing well! <3

  • @ericdistad  Feb 2022

    Good to see you back Pop! Have a great FAWM!

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Thanks again for your comment. Indeed I want to make an album this year, not just a bunch of incoherent songs, and the parameters will be fuzz, reverb and societal collapse. There are so many aspects to this and the way you structured them in your podcast and your challenge offer a treasure trove of material to write about. Looking forward to it!

  • @susyblue  Feb 2022

    Hello, so lovely to see your gorgeous positivity back! Hope you're really well and thank-you so much for your lovely comment. Ima gonna go check out this challenge!

  • @siebass  Feb 2022

    Long time, no see! Thanks for the listen on Pink is my favorite color; glad to see you back again. Man, it's been a long time since that collaboration. That may have been the road is so long year as well. I hope you are well and having fun this fawm. Let me know if you want to collab again at any time!

  • @tcelliott  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment. I don't remember the exact song or liner note, but a bunch of people keep mentioning that I'm known for break up songs. It must be true! Seriously, it's good to see you here.

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Thank you kindly. :-)

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Daniel! It's good to see you! Thanks for listening, and for your kind words.
    As you say, life happened. I wasn't there last year, and I won't be doing much this feb. Like you, I'm just trying to steal a little bit of time. Well, you do know what it is...
    I see that you've initiated some interesting challenge. I won't contribute, because I face collapse (societal or personal) by not writing about it, and by collecting positive energies to overcome it. But I'm sure others will do a great job. =)
    I wish you all the best in your fights, and a wonderful FAWM. Take care. <3

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Thanks loads for the lovely comment on my baritone piece, Daniel. She does sound "rich", so I reckon that's an absolutely valid, sophisticated adjective. ;-)

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Hey Daniel, yeah H²O is going to be a huge issue in the 21st century. Which sort of puts my country in a bad spot. We've got a lot of fresh water & I'm sure there are many who are going to want to take advantage of that. Glad I could contribute to your #collapsechallenge. It was lots of fun! And yeah, freesound is a great place to find samples. You can search for Creative Commons (CC0) files, which allows any sort of usage. As for my email, it's just darbyspicer at gmail dot com.

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @sapient  Feb 2022

    Not yet... There's just so much stuff out there right now. It's on our ever-growing list of things to watch though!

  • @timfatchen  Feb 2022

    Good to see you here and moving. As you know! Thanks for the comment on the Ballad.

  • @clioem Feb 2022

    Thank you so much! I looked at the thread - yes, I feel I've accidentally met your challenge in part, but I don't consider mine a collapsed civilization; more illustration of social ills I guess? A fascinating challenge, in any case! I'll see if the brain generates anything in that direction, but I'm having a mega busy month so I won't push it... if, however, a dystopian universe emerges that works for this, I will definitely post and let you know!!!

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for the nice comment! I’ll need to check out Sigur Ros as you were the second person to mention them. I’ve never heard them although I have heard OF them. And yes, I did start out with a surf *inspired* sing this year. It kind of went on a tangent of its own. :)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Hey Daniel. So good to see you here. :-)

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    The curse of looking 10 in high school finally pays off somehow. ;)

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    umm... yes it is [insert nauseous emoji]. I had the melody in my head and had hoped someone else would do the vocals but I never found anyone. (I am by no means a singer. I’m well aware I sound like a dying duck.). Adam did an amazing job though with music and sounds plus his vocals.

    Yeah, it’s been awhile since you’ve done the fawm thing.

  • @sueawesome Jan 2022

    hi daniel, good luck this year

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Worry not, Daniel. The Jelly Factory will be open next week!

  • @gregthehero Jan 2022

    hey Daniel, here we are again!

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Hi there Daniel... So good to hear from you here! Yep, I worked 30 years at Pfizer and decided that was enough last October. Losing my brother and then Covid - life need to be lived, so I'm free! All the best to you and looking forward to talking more. :)

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Wishing you all the best. Happy FAWMing, my friend.

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    I'm wishing you good health as well -- I'm actually fully recovered now, but understand well how debilitating health issues can be. And I know you know this, but just to be clear, I do think your collapse challenge is an interesting and exciting one, even if I don't currently have the emotional fortitude to participate myself!

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    You're welcome! I'm trying hard not to do too much. So many interesting people and challenges. Lets see what I'm able to accomplish this year. I'll write if I can make it to the challenge.
    Have a great FAWM!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    I'll do my best!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Of course, I'd be honored to be interviewed for your podcast!

  • @ampersandman  Jan 2022

    Good to see you back Daniel! Your challenge is probably the most interesting I’ve seen this far. I’ll keep an eye on it and will delve into your podcast soon.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Daniel! So good to see you here! I'm down for any challenge you make!

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully she's on the mend. My thoughts are with you.

    I'm looking forward to the challenge!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Daniel, great to see you back. It looks like we were both assigned the glockenspiel avatar. Don't know if you noticed, there is a challenge for people with the same avatar to collaborate. Let me know if you would be interested and I hope that you enjoy your FAWM!

  • @candle  Jan 2022

    Daniel! How the heck are you? I'm so glad to see you here. I hope you're doing well.

    I'm up for your challenge, whatever it might be!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @tesla3090  Jan 2022

    Hey! Hope everything is going well!