pipewrench67 16


Wisconsin US   Jan 2015

Artist Bio

Influences:   Lee Scratch Perry Alas the King is Gone Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, King Crimson, Anthony Phillips, Peter Gabriel, King Tubby, Thelonious Monk, Fela Kuti, King Sunny Ade, Tangerine Dream, Charles Mingus, Leadbelly, Terry Riley, The Beatles and The Stones and all that revolution stuff.

Hello 2022
Hit 33 songs last year don't know think I'll hit that again this year, but you never know.

Jan. 17 and the gate has opened.

To a trickle apparently

I decided to try a new challenge write 11 songs in 3 days. Finished mixing 11 (14 on the month) at midnight posted at 12:03 so I guess I cheated a bit.


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  • @nadine Mar 2022

    This is a great saying. So much truth in it!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for explaining! I'll listen to your stuff later. The #tit4tat list I loooooooooooong

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "How are you". Yeah, this song has a bit oldschool feeling and I hope that we can keep it when we re-record this one after FAWM. So the future version won't be uploaded here, more likely in summer / autumn on SoundCloud or YouTube.

    I have no idea about music theory. Does chromatic movement mean, I pick notes that are not in fixed scales?! When I wrote this song, I had no idea what I did there it just sounded right and now I have prolems writing down the chords because I don't know the sign and key. It's B major but not really. I'm confused.

  • @izaakalexander Feb 2022

    You had a 33 year last year!!? Amazing --- I've been sadly out of the habit for the last few FAWMs. Who knows this time around. Best wishes!

  • @wolfkier Jan 2022

    Hey, mister!
    Looking forward to hearing what you got yummy this FabFeb! Wishing you a happy and creative time amongst friends!

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Hello, hello!! Have a wonderful FAWM!! Looking forward to hearing your songs.

  • @jorgevallentine Jan 2022

    Hello from Milwaukee!

    - Jorge

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hi Paul, looking forward to hearing your music this FAWM!

  • @gardeningangel1  Jan 2022

    Ahoy there! Back for another go 'round, I see. :)