Phil Bearce 14


94546 US   Jan 2007

Artist Bio

Influences:   “Well, the list is long, but distinguished.”

2022 - my fifteenth! I am a RETIRED geezer with a lot of music toys: many guitars, mandolin, harmonicas, bass, bouzouki, banjitar, dulcimer, and various other instrumentation... Fully retired and ready to create!

Update: I recently got asked to join an established country rock band, Whiskey Pass. In March, I'll be 70 (I'm older than your dad!) and still rockin'!


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  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Phil, you really are very kind. :-) And thank you!
    Be careful if you get a baritone! I ended up with two! :-D
    I got the electric first, then just HAD to get an acoustic one to complete the set.
    I think I found it fairly easy to cope with the slightly longer scale length because of my five decades of bass playing. But I have to confess that the heavier strings (13 to 62 electric; 15 to 68 acoustic) are making my left fingers feel that they're working for a living.

  • @ericlord  Feb 2022

    You have a really cool sound, man! Love the Twenty Twenty Two track.

  • @vaughan Feb 2022

    Thanks, Phil!! I plan on doing alot of listening and reading...but, I'm in the middle of pumping water our of my basement. Hopefully I can do that soon!

  • @sjbatavia  Jan 2022

    @phylo Hey thanks for reaching out. Definitely open to working on some songs with you!

  • @valeriecox  Jan 2022

    Retired Geeze. Man! You're living the dream life. I can't wait to be a retired geezer. I'm 51. Surely I can make that dream come true soon. :) Happy FAWM!

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    good to see familiar friends bouncing back!

  • @tcelliott  Jan 2022

    Heya, Phil. Good to see you around. Let's do this!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Phil, thanks for the hello. Looking forward to hearing the music toys in song this FAWM!

  • @dragondreams  Jan 2022

    Hey Phil!
    The waiting is getting tense. :-D

  • @elainedimasi  Jan 2022

    Hey, happy FAWM!

  • @nancyrost  Jan 2022

    Likewise, buddy!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    Hey Phil! Dropping by to say hello and wish you an awesome FAWM2022. Keep me in mind, please.

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Phil! So good to see you! I'm looking forward to your songs — have an amazing FAWM!