Homeschool Prom King 15


22657 US   Feb 2016

Artist Bio

My name is Phil. I've been writing songs since 2004 when I started learning guitar. My first FAWM was 2016 and I returned yearly through 2020. Shortly after FAWM '20 I stopped making music due to depression. I skipped FAWM '21 because I couldn't be bothered to do anything. I snapped out of my funk in December and came into 2022 like a wrecking ball. I gave myself a new band name, "Homeschool Prom King," and put out a 9 song album in January. You can check it out via my bandcamp link.

This year I think it could be fun to do some collaborating. I felt the best place to do this would be after the forums reminded me of its existence. You can add me @homeschoolpromking

I can do vocals, guitar, bass, lyrics, programmed drum beats/pick out some drum loops. Hit me up if you want to try something.

If you read this far, thanks, and happy FAWM'ing, I look forward to hearing/reading what this February pulls from your soul.

Songs (15)

#1 Sting 3
Feb 2022
#2 March 1
Feb 2022
#3 Somebody 1
Feb 2022
#4 Favor 1
Feb 2022
#5 Talking 2
Feb 2022
#6 Fine 1
Feb 2022
#7 Echoes 1
Feb 2022
#8 New Strings 1
Feb 2022
#9 Rock 2
Feb 2022
#10 No Eyes 2
Feb 2022
#11 Space 1
Feb 2022
#12 Wordspeak @petemurphy  7
Feb 2022
#13 A Lot Like 1
Feb 2022
#14 Dear Love 2
Feb 2022
#15 The Malefactors 1
Feb 2022


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  • @nadine Jan 2022

    You're welcome! Rumdididadada! XD

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Do you know Van Canto? It's an acapella metal band. And they're great live.

  • @gardeningangel1  Jan 2022

    Glad the darkness released you to come out and play with us this year. Your Bandcamp album is great! As a survivor of homeschooling your moniker cracks me up :)

  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Aha! Well if it's a bigger file, you could upload to Google drive / Dropbox / WeTransfer, and send me the link, or if its a smaller file (mp3, m4a, etc) you could send it to my email - heatwave (underscore) radio (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk

  • @petemurphy  Jan 2022

    Oh, that would be ace! Thanks Phil.
    Well, I don't have any set way of doing things, but most of the collabs I've done recently have involved people sending me an audio file of them reciting their lyrics / poetry / surreal ramblings, and I add music to it. Some people send me stuff that they want me to chop up and rearrange to make something new, some people like me to leave their vocal intact (apart from maybe extending or reducing gaps in order to fit with the music). I'm cool to work any way that suits, although I enjoy the surreal / absurdist / random / cut up / nonsensical stuff the most.

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Found some fuzz on your bandcamp. I think I gonna stay here and listen to more. Happy FAWMing!

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    Go rockā€˜em out of yer system.

  • @atam94  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM! I'm gonna check out your album today!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Hey, Phil! Wishing you an amazing FAWM!