pabrizzer 22


  Feb 2018

Artist Bio

Old Bloke

Songs (22)

#1 dance those blues away 17
Feb 2022
#2 in my arms please sway (dance with me gently) 12
Feb 2022
#3 the liar's dance 11
Feb 2022
#4 a failure to comprehend 14
Feb 2022
#5 i don't think of symphonies 19
Feb 2022
#6 dust my broom 17
Feb 2022
#7 there's a sapling in the forest 9
Feb 2022
#8 where are we goin 4
Feb 2022
#9 i saw you dancing on the platform 8
Feb 2022
#10 fawm pronouns 7
Feb 2022
#11 dancing with death 3
Feb 2022
#12 brand 3
Feb 2022
#13 a loser in life's game 3
Feb 2022
#14 seven 2
Feb 2022
#15 bein lazy 4
Feb 2022
#16 zong 6
Feb 2022
#17 bear among the sheep 3
Feb 2022
#18 crows are gonna feed 5
Feb 2022
#19 to ride the wave 11
Feb 2022
#20 the evil king is impotent 4
Feb 2022
#21 parallel universe 3
Feb 2022
#22 god's residence 2
Feb 2022


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  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Happy Fawm. Have a good year creating

  • @saulius Feb 2022

    Many thanks for your comments on my song Mercedes. I didn't have hardly any time at all this month to do FAWM, but I'm free today and I want to enjoy the day listening to all the new music. Thanks again!

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Glad you liked my little train ride. There were so many other details I might have added. A Paris s such a cosmopolitan city, the cross section of people riding on this train out of town was all inclusive. Muslim women in veils, people of African origin in colourful "native" costumes, a guy subtly scratching his balls for most of the trip (crabs?). The woman hogging the two chairs was an intimidatingly beautiful "mulata" woman (you could tell even though she was wearing a mask over her lower face) - eventually a woman insisted she move over and she reluctantly did.
    All human life was there :)

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Hi Brian, please try again on my Wave after Wave

  • @jtsteam  Feb 2022

    Indeed we are, but there are some topics where debate is always fruitless and so I'm not going to engage, especially on FAWM when there's a whole rest of the Internet for that... I'm sure people here can respond to a song with another song though! I've edited my liner notes to make that clearer.

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    YOU SAID; "interesting to see you reference Jesus as a saviour"

    Actually, I didn't , my narrator did :-)

    The hypocrisy of justifying slavery by saying "we brought them to Jesus, at least!" is beyond further comment.

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    How does this look?
    Hurt People Hurt People

    Hurt People hurt people
    That is so true
    Hurt people hurt people
    Like me and you

    Verse 1
    Why do we push
    And why do we hit
    Emotions build up
    And then we split

    Verse 2
    Why do we hide
    And why do we run
    Pressure builds up
    We hurt people son

    Hurt People hurt people
    That is so true
    Hurt people hurt people
    Like me and you

    Verse 3
    How do we cope
    It’s eye for an eye
    Our anger builds up
    And we hurt people my

    Hurt People hurt people
    That is so true
    Hurt people hurt people
    Like me and you

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Hi Brian,

    I am with you on the drums/bass/synth stuff. I also find a lot (but not all) of that stuff totally uninspiring. I was the same with Rap, but one of the regular skirmish players writes Rap with only acoustic instruments and he has opened me up to the genre.

    I also agree with your assessment of the US in decline and the rise of China. Glad you liked my ALDM - Bill White wrote a fabulous piece on that song on the song page.

  • @shutyatrap Feb 2022


  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    And thanks for reflecting on Did I Wrong?! Yes, I am very fond of murder ballads. And aware that murders in songs and in the real world are two totally different things. The first supplying, the latter detracting meaning. :-)

  • @highmountain Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on Under Dark Blue Sky. The movie is there, just look at the inside of your eyelids! :-)

  • @leakyplusme2 Feb 2022

    That is the same park that i wrote about King Edward Park Newcastle NSW beautiful isn't it and i was in Newcastle yesterday if only i knew you we could have met. bloody hell it was a hot day. Send me an email if you want and we can talk.

  • @jtsteam  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comments! I was just thinking there's probably an entire concept album to be made out of towns with curious names. I know of one song about Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico, for example...

  • @keithcuts  Feb 2022

    Indeed supposed to say lol

  • @keithcuts  Feb 2022

    I feed a personal tale @pabrizzer !

  • @hbusse  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on In Peace!

  • @pvk2020 Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening. It was an abrupt ending but also recorded straight into my Samsung with a looper, un-edited.

  • @cloudhopper Feb 2022

    thank you for pointing that out (honor the weary traveler) , I fixed it

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    You said the prompts were failing to inspire you. The trick is to find something, even when the theme doesn't appeal. That said I did have a total shutdown on "B" last night. Just stared at the screen and then went and watched Netflix with Carmen (who's got Covid) :(

  • @tan482  Feb 2022

    "Swift Rivulet"... love it! I'll consider this as a title ;-)

  • @berni1954  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the heads up on klyma. A fine lyricist indeed. He's going on my watchlist.