Gabe Robitaille 14


Lexington, US   Feb 2019

Artist Bio

Influences:   Sufjan Stevens, The Mountain Goats, The Decemberists, The Weakerthans, Orville Peck

They/them pronouns. I'm a singer/songwriter and guitar/bass/ukulele instructor, and this year I'm gonna actually launch a solo project if it kills me. I've got an 8 track EP that I've been tweaking for ages and waiting to start trickling singles out of, but I've decided I'm gonna finish that, end stop, before February, use this FAWM to get my material for after that started, and then actually release the first tracks of my next project in early March. And damn it, it's going to happen. And it's gonna be an emo indie folk project and it's gonna be glorious.

Anyway, I want to do a collab this year! I think this is my fourth (?) FAWM, and so far all I've ever done is my own stuff. I sing, play a handful of stringed instruments and write lyrics that tend to be pretty sad, so if that sounds like it'll add to your sound hit me up!


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  • @seemanski  Feb 2022

    Thanks for posting I was wondering what was going on. Shame it's not a video but still a great outcome. I have setup a second redirect post form myself and slusk.

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    Hi, there! Let me know if you need any help with the 4-video challenge (, I can help finish the video or with any last minute parts.

  • @andygriff  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment on "Getaway"! It was fun :)

  • @cairobraga  Jan 2022

    hey, Gabe, how's everything? is your email address shown here active?

    cannot wait to hear the sounds you come up with this Feb, and power to you for your solo project: make it happen!

    Happy FAWM!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    @onceandfuturegabi awesome! I've done it in the past for FAWM and it adds a nice touch (or a lot of saturation, depending on how you want it).

    Oh, and one thing: there are no notifications when you mention someone in your soundboard of even in the forums, so it's better to reply directly in the person's soundboard to make sure they see the message. One of the quirks of the FAWM website. :)

  • @onceandfuturegabi  Jan 2022

    @elesimo I am SO DOWN to run that song through your reel to reel, thank you so much for offering! I always want to do more analog stuff but I have literally no equipment for it and whenever I've got money for new gear there's always something that seems more urgent. But maybe hearing a song of mine through your tape will finally get me!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Hi, there!

    I saw your post on the Avatar challenge ( I have a working reel-to-reel 2-track recorder, if you want I can bounce your challenge song through tape, when it's ready, to give it some extra vintage warmth. Just let me know! :)

    Have a great FAWM!

  • @mikeskliar  Jan 2022

    welcome back to fawm!