ofishell 11


30341 US   Jun 2009

Artist Bio

Influences:   Barry Manilow was my first musical love. While my contemporaries rocked out to the icons of the day in the early 80's, I was belting it out full force to "Copacabana." Somehow, by high school, I was obsessed with commercial country music. Then, Tori Amos walked me through college. Once I started writing my own music, I found my way to friends' music in the Atlanta/Athens, GA area. I love the vocal stylings of crooners. Joni Mitchell is a goddess. I love the lyrics by the Magnetic Fields and The Mountain Goats. A friend once categorized my music as gay-acoustic-indie-folk-pop, and so I've been calling it that ever since.


Didn't hit anywhere close to 14 last year, and may not this year either. That's okay.

Definitely going to try to do more male love-song duets this year, if I can get them together.

I'm into internal rhymes, refrains that aren't really refrains, and I really seem to be into shorter songs. I got no drums. I got no bass. Just an iPhone to record, and a general hope that something will come to me somehow. I tend to really enjoy participating the song skirmishes, though I didn't manage to make any work out last year...let's see if this year will be different.

Shout out to @wurzelfrau @auditasum @barbara @cleverhansel @max @steffan @fiteclub @bigpeaches @rockster123 @websheldon @jorh and many others! So looking forward to hearing what we all accomplish this year!


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  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Thank you for giving such a thorough and thoughtful listen to so many of my tunes today! What a treat to come home to.

  • @franniezest  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for checking out my songs and for the thoughtful comments :)

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for all the time you spent listening and commenting on my twiddlings! I really appreciate it.
    And, yes, that IS a large recorder. Still not the largest one in my collection though... ;-)

  • @odilongreen  Mar 2022

    I am honored you made it all the way through my 5-song EP. I'm genuinely flattered when people take the time to do that, and your comments are so kind too! Especially coming from someone so talented -- I've been having a great time going through your FAWM catalog as well!

  • @auditasum  Mar 2022

    I also forgot about the collab. Oh well, there's next year!

  • @auditasum  Mar 2022

    Re: your comment on "Meet You In Another Life"-- I also struggle with ideas for love songs. But I'm contractually obligated to write at least one love song a year for my lovely wife, so I figure something out XD

  • @burrsettles  Feb 2022

    thanks for the kind words (on many songs as well as my soundboard)! glad you're enjoying fawm this year and happy that duolingo appears to have helped you be more of a Singvogel, too! :)

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your comments on my tunes . I adore the fact you've listened a few times.

  • @sorby69  Feb 2022

    Hi Wayne! Thanks for the nice words about my two songs :) I don't normally write rocky stuff like this but FAWM's sent me a bit nuts! LOL

  • @bfwaite  Feb 2022

    Hi, hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen through my tracks and for providing such encouraging feedback. Feeling *heard* by you really, REALLY made my day and got me excited to keep at it and keep writing. Cheers!

  • @frey Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for all your super kind and wonderful comments!! Haha. So glad some of my stuff resonated with you!! You have a really sweet voice

  • @jeustan  Feb 2022

    Well thank you, my new friend! Looks like we share many major influences (Joni, Mag Fields, country tunes...).

    I appreciate all your comments! I'm here to return the favor and finding it a most enjoyable listening session because you write lovely music! Me = fan.

  • @thelowestbitter Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the kind comments! Hoping to do a big commenting session once I've made it to 14 and I'll be sure to come back and check out more of your stuff then

  • @hamiltonpoolhall  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for the deep dive through everything so far! I especially appreciate your observation that those six songs feel like an album – once I'd done the first one, I did consciously proceed as if that was the official line-up for any additional songs, to see if I could at least demo an entire record with that sort of sound and approach. So I'm delighted it came across that way to you. I don't know if I'll "win" this year but at least I've had a conceptual win!

  • @barbara  Feb 2022

    Awesome! I’m happy you’re attempting it!
    Feel free to make any lyrical adjustments needed to work it out. I’m not attached. Think of it as a co-write. Thanks!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Haha all very innocent compared to the rest - just a funny British slang term people say if someone is unattractive

  • @fiteclub Feb 2022

    Wayne, I am really happy with my latest here, another collab on someone else's lyrics. I feel like I've solved some puzzle, and I have you and the other fawmers to thank for it. I appreciate you dragging me kicking and screaming into this insanity. :-)

  • @wurzelfrau Feb 2022

    Listening to your textbook song, loving it and chuckling a lot. This is so funny and your pronunciation is *chefs kiss*....haha, I love it, I have to think about this.... but I love it so much.....

  • @tageule  Feb 2022

    Vielen, vielen Dank für deine lieben Kommentare! Und ich freu mich auf weitere Songs von dir, egal in welcher Sprache. Ich erinnere mich an den Song auf Deutsch, den du letztes Jahr geschrieben hast, der war sooo gut.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Wayne, certainly doesn't have to be operatic; as I said this is something I strive for. If you want to do a Zoom call and hash out ideas, I'm happy to do that. Pretty sure we're in the same time zone so that makes it easier.

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    Sounds great! There's 3 more weeks to FAWM, so hopefully we can make this happen (and I can figure out the technicalities of it!)

    I'm so inspired by the male duet singing "I Know Him So Well" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8az1gFoZp4c. Would love to be able to do something like this!

  • @auditasum  Feb 2022

    Oh yeah, the Young and Gay collab was good!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    I’ve sent you an idea for a male duet love song (well a break up song but near enough ha)! Let me know what you think but no pressure if not for you :)

  • @kenmattsson  Feb 2022

    If you'd love to have another man to sing a duet with, I'm up for it. I'd just have to figure out the technology!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    ooo that sounds exciting - no pressure though, all my lyrics are far too wordy this year, which probably makes them a nightmare to try fit to music. Somebody just need to tell me to get to the point haha

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Hey Wayne,
    Great to see you back. hope your are well, and looking forward to seeing what you’ve got for us this year… even if you are keeping us on tenterhooks ha ;) of course it was a pleasure to collab last FAWM, so it would be great to team up again. Also for some reason I’m not watching you, what’s going on? I shall rectify that now!

  • @auditasum  Feb 2022

    Ahhhh you're back, my friend! I'd love a collab if you have any ideas. I'm rewatching Downton Abbey and I keep thinking of our Dowager song :D

  • @fiteclub Feb 2022

    Because you got me into this last February, I cranked out more keepers in 2021 than in the preceding 25 years all together. I may not be very productive this one month, but I am going instead of stopped, now. Thank you!

  • @wurzelfrau Feb 2022

    Wayne! Oh a collab would be so so great! <3
    Happy FAWMing, dear friend!

  • @barbara  Feb 2022

    Yes!! So good to see you here! I look forward to the male love songs, and whatever else may emerge!