nwnrml 6


Saitama JP   Feb 2022

Artist Bio

Influences:   Slowcore, Post rock ,Post punk, Minimal wave, No wave

I'm based in Saitama, Japan but from London, UK. I play guitar, drums, synths, steel pan, kalimba. I've played in a few bands but make music by myself under the name nwnrml. Going back to the slowcore / postrock sound I was into in the 90s with recent songs, but also do more electronic stuff. Hoping FAWM is a good catalyst for my muse. Open to collaborations


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  • @lanasolyluna Feb 2022

    Oh no! Sorry to hear about your Omnichord. Hopefully you can sort it out, or start a new genre of music where only the Omnichord's out of tune.

  • @k8sikora  Feb 2022

    I like this mood. I could totally zone out to this. Awesome start to FAWM

  • @santadharma Feb 2022

    Hey!!! Welcome to FAWM!!!