(Geneva Griffin) nightengale 0

Artist Bio

Influences:   All of you all and your fine music!

Hi All,
I'm Geneva,
[email protected]

Short bio: I write lyrics. My sign on is "nightengale" on the site. Don't know why, sounds sweet I guess cause I don't sing or make music. I've been writing lyrics for 5 years, putting in my time, trying to find that commercial country sound. I write modern todays country-pop and country-rock mostly, some bluegrass, and I love classic rock and dabble in rock too. I write a lot of songs from the male genre cause I find more collaborators that way, a few love songs, and some wordy country girl with attitude songs. Though I have a tune in mind I write to, I love it someone else hears it different in their head and wants to sing and put up music. I'm not hard to please.

I'd love to collaborate with anyone on of my songs sing to. I don't mind if words need to be changed to fit the music, or if something just doesn't read right. I'm forever going back and tweaking here and there or totally rewriting songs.

I love honest feedback and suggestions. The more eyes and minds on my songs the better. My goal is to become the best writer I can be. If you really think my song sucks, it's OK to say so. If I think it's still worthy of a rewrite I'll start over from a different perspective.
I sometimes get carried away when I write something ment to be humorus. By the way, I'm no speller either!

I may throw in a few rewrites I need to work on, and will list them as rewrites and not count them in my 14 new songs I plan to write.

The hardest thing about writing is coming up with a great hook, anyone got one they need help writing about, feel free to hit me up.

I really look foreward to fawm and hearing you'alls music.

[email protected]

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
