Geoff Cox 3


Nashville US   Mar 2009  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Rock, Jazz, Blues, Funk, Celtic, Soundtracks. My songwriting spirit animal is Ben Folds.

In 2022, I'm celebrating my first full year in Nashville but I still cherish my FAWM virtual tribe.

I'm preparing to release some weird ideas from the corners of my brain and experiment with different songwriting approaches and styles.

I'll also be available for co-writing and co-recording, sax, flute, tin whistle, and EWI.

My past FAWM collabs have ended up on the radio and in an indie movie soundtrack. I'm excited to see what this year brings.

I thought my avatar was a record but alas, it's a CD. I'll ponder how to incorporate that into my songs this year.

FAWM is just the beginning of a tranFAWMative 2022!


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  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Ha Geoff! What a fun gig that would be! I will return here for listening once I finish my last 3 collabs. :)

  • @tjeff  Mar 2022

    And just saw your note - good luck in Nashville! We lived there for about 10 years, in the Old Hickory and Hermitage areas.

  • @tjeff  Mar 2022

    Good playing with you too Geoff, I love your improv work at the end of the 2nd piece!

  • @gregthehero Mar 2022

    Thank you Geoff, and thanks for the kind offer about future projects - I will keep that in mind.

    & I did manage to upload your track just in the nick of time, check it out!

  • @crisp1  Feb 2022

    Thanks for taking a look at Somewhere East of Nashville and I'm glad it resonated with you. Three different people asked to work on writing music to those lyrics, non-exclusively. If you don't mind being the fourth, I'd love to see what you come up with!

  • @gregthehero Feb 2022

    hey Geoff, just checking in to see if you're still interested in playing some Sax on a track? how is your flute playing btw?, I already know you slay on the sax. anyway, if so, I will (try to) start to write something suitable and demo it. thanks, rock on!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Yes I have! So strangeā€¦

  • @gregthehero Jan 2022

    Hey again Geoff. I will be in touch, "Wait for you" was one of my fav FAWM collabs ever thanks to your sax!

  • @davi3blu3 Jan 2022

    Welcome to Nashville! Happy Fawming

  • @mctown Jan 2022

    Tennessee Songwriters Association International is smaller than NSAI as I understand. I live in McMinnville TN. I'm David Graham btw.