Ned Greenough 14


Syracuse US   Jan 2019

Artist Bio

Influences:   Genesis, Kate Bush, Steven Wilson, Kansas, Yes, The Beatles, King Crimson, Mannheim Steamroller, Tom Petty, Porcupine Tree, Jethro Tull, Tori Amos, Renaissance, Spock's Beard, The Doors, The Who, and R.E.M.

Hello! I'm a 22-year-old American keyboardist, vocalist, and producer from Syracuse, NY. This is my fourth year doing FAWM, having done the following previously:

FAWM 2019 - A Story of Excalibur: Part I (Proggy, theatrical story of King Arthur)
FAWM 2020 - A Story of Excalibur: Part II (same style as last year but with a little more experimentation to bring the story to a fantastic finish)
FAWM 2021 - SCP: The Foundation (Synth-based atmospheric horror)

(Listen to those here! )

This year, I'll be taking a step back from extravagant concept albums to focus on songwriting. My FAWM project for this year, titled "Photography," will include shorter, more traditionally structured songs with various types of instrumentation. It will be a very different writing process than my previous years, having no conceptual prompt to work off of, so it will be an exciting challenge lyrically as well!

I'm also trying to collaborate a lot more this year, so feel free to contact me if you'd like to do so!


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  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "At your command". I'm glad you enjoyed. This song and its weird signatures just happened and felt right. Thanks also for your offer on keys but the arrangement is super dense. I won't add anything maybe we replace synth guitar with a real one and that's it.

    I'm running out of capacity this year (3 collabs running, 1 challenge and producing all the stuff) but we should write some banging prog as soon as possible. I enjoy your stuff!

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you :) ahhh yes I know that feeling. Sometimes I get sentimental when I think of college and my little student apartment. Congrats for your graduation though :)

  • @tamsnumber4  Feb 2022

    Sorry that in my comment I said the paint card and not the boat names challenge, I am running both and they are both criss crossing in my mind!

  • @nedgreenough  Feb 2022

    @nadine Hey that sounds great! Congratulations on almost being done with FAWM! Feel free to keep me on your list, love to work on a future project. My email is [email protected] for when you need to contact me! Looking forward to it.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Hey Ned,
    I just realised that I'm reaching my capacity limits. When I finish all collabs and drafts, do that morph challenge and a random song I'm already surpassing my FAWM goals. Producing and managing all these songs will keep me busy for months!
    Is is OK for you when I put you on my list for later collabs and contact whenever there is more time or an idea that suits your style? This can take some months. But I really want to work with you when my muse is in her epic prog phase.

  • @jorgevallentine Feb 2022

    Hi Ned!
    Thanks for your comment on "It's Love, It's Always Love". I'm not much of a lead player yet, but it's definitely something I'm trying to work on and I really like doing that kind of call and response type of lead part with the guitar answering where the vocals pause. Glad you liked that!

  • @melaniepegge Feb 2022

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my song! Collaborating sounds fun although not sure I've even got time to keep up with my own writing aims this month. Let's see

  • @rowankingsbury Feb 2022

    I'm so excited to hear what you do this year!

  • @intoyourlight  Feb 2022

    Thank you for the comment on my song :)!! Glad you enjoyed it. Reverbs can really take you to somewhere different.

  • @kajati  Feb 2022

    Oh man so looking forward already

  • @hjwmg2 Feb 2022

    Can't wait to see what magic you make this FAWM. Always a big fan :)

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment earlier. I Look forward to hearing your songs!

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Thanks! Look forward to all of this!

  • @pippa  Feb 2022

    Hi Ned, thanks for the welcome. I'm excited. This will be the second year, and I'm already working on a new tune! Hope you're doing well.

  • @andrea  Feb 2022

    Hi Ned. I enjoyed your songs on Bandcamp . I love Kansas and R.E.M. too! Happy FAWMing :)

  • @suscotting Feb 2022

    Thanks & Happy FAWMing!!! I don’t know how this all works.. do we get emailed stuff or just self generate songs? I too am a YES fan!!!!

  • @oliviacoleberry Jan 2022

    Ready for some good old Ned music!

  • @tinear  Jan 2022

    Cheers for the welcome. Have a great FAWM.

  • @boycetown  Jan 2022

    Hey Ned, I feel like you were born in the wrong decade and love the influences. You really need to hook up with Robert Fripp

  • @tretopcarter  Jan 2022

    This page is so prog.

  • @nedgreenough  Jan 2022

    @gorban Yeah, they will still be heavily influenced. In fact, I'll still likely end up writing a couple longer songs here and there. But I'm trying to follow the chain of proggy instrumentation and themes, but in a 4 or maybe 5 minute format. Something with the feel of 'Blackest Eyes' by Porcupine Tree or "All on a Sunday' by Spock's Beard. Not sure yet honestly. I'll just have to write and see where it takes me!

    If you're looking for bands with great short tracks, definitely check out Spock's Beard, mid to late 70's Genesis, and even Kansas. A lot of these bands have long songs, but their shorter ones are equally as prog and are fantastic.

  • @gorban  Jan 2022

    Prog! Looking forward to your songs this year. In the meantime, I'm listening on your bandcamp page. You wrote that you plan to record more regular songs this year, but will they still be prog-influenced? If yes, who does good short prog or prog-influenced songs?

  • @splittybooms  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing to you, too!

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    Have a good FAWM!

  • @adnama17  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing!!!

  • @intoyourlight  Jan 2022

    „Steven wilson“ :))) yesss! Am watching you too. Happy fawming.

  • @emplate  Jan 2022

    Hey, thanks! I'm really looking forward to it! Unfortunately, I just caught covid. Currently my symptoms are mild, and I really, really hope they stay that way so it won't affect my start. Hope you have a great FAWM!

  • @nadine Jan 2022

    Hey Ned,
    thanks for your request! I has a deep listen and I enjoy your prog and pianist side. "Bird Flu", "The Hanging Tree" are superb songs.

    I don't think I'll nail a prog co-write during FAWM cause song structures and chord sheets are complex. Such a project needs full focus. It's something I'd do after most stress is gone so around autumn or winter. We can stay in touch when we write something unintentionally prog'ish or need some mindfuck.

    For now I'd propose we follow and listen to each others FAWM profile and jump in if there's a draft going into a direction we could collab.

    As vocalist... what's your fach or range? If you dont know, which artist can you sing along easily?

    I'm mostly composer, arranger, producer, sometimes lyricist, but I play a bit of piano. Good enough to compose weird music and accompaign pop, but too worse for jazz or piano pieces.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hey Ned, thanks for responding to my call for radio guests. Unfortunately due to the large response, I already have enough participants and don't think I have time to add in any more this time around, sorry (Which is sad, I would have loved to interview you!). If some of the interviews fall through or the time I have available increases I will get in touch though!
    Cheers, and Happy FAWM - I hope you have a great one and good luck with Photography,

  • @intoyourlight  Jan 2022

    Hey thank you for the welcome :) Wish you fun and many many great ideas!

  • @ohdisappt Jan 2022

    Hey, thank you for the warm welcome! I’ll be checking back in on your work here so let’s do our best and have a good time!

  • @jsmalls  Jan 2022


  • @yam655  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM!

  • @cloudcolor Jan 2022

    Thanks for the welcome, Ned. I'm excited to finally be FAWMing this year. It's about time!

  • @mandolinda  Jan 2022

    Hey, thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to your new endeavors.

  • @billwhite51 Jan 2022

    ill be posting lyrcs every day, so if you see one that inspires you, grab it. ill also be listening to your music and if i write something that i feel might be right for you, ill let yu know, happy fawming!

  • @siasa  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • @jp123  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the welcome.

  • @melaniepegge Jan 2022

    Hi there, hope you enjoy a month of creating!

  • @odilongreen  Jan 2022

    Thanks for the enthusiasm about my Kidney Stone album! :D I'm a big fan of concept albums, so look forward both to your output this year and checking out your past work. And yes, to respond to your statement on your Bandcamp page, I do indeed like keyboards! ;)