Necroblaster 1


US   Feb 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   90's California Music Channel

My FAWM process is I make myself a "fake" album cover inspired by the idea from reddit. r/FAKEALBUMCOVERS

1. Go to Wikipedia and click "Random Article".
The title of that article is your band name.

2. Go to Wikiquote and click "Random Article".
Pick any part of the last quote as your album title.

3. Find some Creative Commons image and slap all that together.

Here is what I made this year.

Songs (1)

#1 Liver, I hardly know her! ZONG
Feb 2022


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  • @necroblaster Feb 2022

    Another FAMM another year I forget to practice an instrument. So mostly lyrics this year again. Feel free to collab and throw any kind of sounds to anything I post.