Nadine de Macedo 22


Düsseldorf DE   Jan 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   3 Doors Down, Archive, Belasco, Cellar Darling, Depeche Mode, dredg, Eluveitie, Epica, Evanescence, FAKE?, Farmer Boys, Ferry Corsten, Katatonia, Karnivool, Keane, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Muse, Neuroticfish, Nightwish, Nirvana, Push, Rotersand, Seether, Snow Patrol, Staind, Static-X, TesseracT, The Script, Thrice, Within Temptation, ... and many more 90s and 00s stuff.

Multi-genre composer, arranger and producer based in Germany. I write full band arrangements with virtual instruments waiting for YOU to come alive. My performance skills are not sufficient to do these songs justice, but together we can turn these sketches into full productions. This process takes months, please follow my social media to get notified of the results.
Pronouns: she/her

Please help me to turn my MIDI sorcery into good music. The missing roles are listed in the forums:
All songs available for collab are tagged with #needs-vocals, #needs-lyrics, #needs-guitars, #needs-bass, #needs-drums etc. Comment the song, if you're interested. My ideas will be taylored for your style and range. You don't have to record during FAWM, but I'd like to have your commitment, contact data and all questions answered before the site closes. The finished songs will be uploaded onto YouTube, SoundCloud and later on Bandcamp. I don't pay or earn money, but I usually do something for you in return. Electronic music is on hiatus for personal reasons.

*FAWM 2022*
Wow, this has been a insane ride through many genres. I did not expect to write so much metal and trying jazz, thank you so much! I had plenty of fun and now I look forward to mix and produce my favourites. I'll join the #tit4tat listening party in March. Guess I won't participate on 50/90, cause I got too many projects in parallel. Maybe only passive.

*FAWM 2021*
My first FAWM has been a blast. Thanks for your warm welcome, comments and collaborations. You guys seriously rock! The album is not finished yet, but here are some results:

Songs (22)

#1 Skyscraper (@nadine, @katestantonsings, @richie123, @meadows, @zeekle1998) @katestantonsings  63
Feb 2022
#2 Diplomacy 41
Feb 2022
#3 Dorian Gray 38
Feb 2022
#4 Dust v2 30
Feb 2022
#5 Mättërhörn - Mättërhörn 33
Feb 2022
#6 Nadine's Blues @dock  20
Feb 2022
#7 How are you? v2 @lmr  43
Feb 2022
#8 Inner Demon 21
Feb 2022
#9 Exquisite Corpse Denmark (@dreamscuba, @nadine, @sbs2018, @nateger, @sorby69) 1
Feb 2022
#10 She's Contemplating 33
Feb 2022
#11 Hollywood Queen @tinear  42
Feb 2022
#12 Rendez-Vous 23
Feb 2022
#13 Under @chrismyth02 30
Feb 2022
#14 Good Morning Blues @deadhead  25
Feb 2022
#15 Pedal to metal 31
Feb 2022
#16 At your command @chrismyth02 34
Feb 2022
#17 The Worlds Most Simplest Man @seppo 25
Feb 2022
#18 Love lasts forever 32
Feb 2022
#19 Nunawut Gold Rush (link only) 1
Feb 2022
#20 Fit right in @davidtaro  36
Feb 2022
#21 Disco Blues @gm7  44
Feb 2022
#22 Take The Black (@nadine, @tfish77, @sph, ...) @tfish77  19
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @beacon Apr 2022

    Yes I am doing better. Been through a lot, but I'm managing. Thanks for asking!

  • @miga  Apr 2022

    Thanks for listening to a few of my songs and giving some helpful feedback! Much appreciated!

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    Not to belabour the point, but if you want to do a deep dive into polyrhythms, check out this hour-long analysis of Captain Beefheart's "Doctor Dark". You can probably skip forward to about 4:30, or even to about 8:15. It gets kinda dense after a while.

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    No problem.
    Yeah, the more I learn the more I realize how much more there is to learn in both music and life.

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    I dunno, I don't try to analyze that kind of stuff too often, I just listen to it and make it. :)
    "Take The Black" sounds to me like 4/4 with a bunch of triplets before moving into straight 4/4.
    Love the piano line on "How Are You?". Sounds like straight-up 4/4 to me. But what do I know?
    "At Your Command" is awesome. I'm not sure what you did there either! Yeah, I'd say that's a polyrhythm; different instruments playing different time sigs at the same time. That's the key - different time sigs at the same time making those hard-to-figure-out interlocking rhythms.

  • @fuzzy  Apr 2022

    Hey, I've been lurking around your convo with @dzdandcunfsd concerning polyrhythms; that link he sent really explains it well.
    Here's my favourite example of polyrhythms - King Crimson's "Discipline".
    All of the instruments are playing in different time signatures, but it all comes together nicely.
    Sorry to intrude on your conversation! :)

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    That's where it gets confusing and murky, plus its been 30+ years since I've had any "formal" instruction on the matter, it made my eyes glaze over then... I've made a conscious effort to forget things, so I don't want to mislead ya. All I retained was the divisible bit of info, but if I remember right it is more than fine if the two rhythms end on a same beat they'll just have to be played at differing tempos to get there.

    I skim read this and it seems pretty thorough and does a much better job of explaining it than I could. It may help.

    ... but once again all the reading made my eyes glaze over, but I enjoyed the examples. I've always learned by ear or watching others so I find musical theory to be about the least interesting topic to read about.

  • @lemonsmoke Mar 2022

    I've listened to Thrice for ages! Black Honey floored me when I first heard it. And back in the day when I made mixtapes of music videos on VHS, I waited all day for fuse to play Stare at the Sun.

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    Stir Fry and Scrambled Eggs—a fake band challenge for my post-FAWM brain :) just to make you smile…jk

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Very true and so cool to learn!

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    Ahh memories. I do not claim to be an expert on old punk however as I remember the basic idea was to play loud, fast, and just a few chords. Ability to play or sing well was not needed LOL.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    12 strings are easier on the fingertips (to me) since the pressure is split between two strings. I love the sound but honestly got it because it fills up the sonic space and made me sound like I was playing more (and better) than I was. Rob sometimes uses a regular guitar and one tuned with "Nashville Tuning" which is all the upper octave notes of a 12. Record one of each and you magically have a 12 string. The Byrds in the 60's used 12 strings a ton and REM in the 80's used them quite a bit.

  • @zecoop  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your super nice comments. Yes, one of my favorite acoustic guitar things to do is to put a six string on one side and then play the same thing on a 12 string and put it on the other side. I started on bass long ago, but the first acoustic I bought was a 12 string. I just love that sound.

  • @andygetch  Mar 2022

    You are welcome and I am so glad that you had fun with the song :)

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Hi Nadine. I have 5, 6 and 8 string basses. Non-standard tunings are not a problem. :-)

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Hi Nadine...your still listening I see. I am doing a few #t4t today.

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Nadine, for your wonderful comments on Sticky Fingers. @tuesdaygray truly made the lyrics come alive.

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    Kudos to @seppo but your brass parts surely add to the party feel of the song!

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Exactly! Much of today's music just does not resonate with me at all, although there are some exceptions, these do not live in mainstream... I am completely with you on 98-15 timeline :) I used to think Linkin parks hybrid theory and HIMs razorblade romance had no bad songs at all :D

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for comments :) so insightful and helpful :) I grew up listening to HIM, the 69 eyes, type o negative and the like so I have some experience with this genre. Haven't revisited it since I was 15 but now out of nowhere I just wrote these songs :) I am contemplating on maybe making this a band project in the future...

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Yeah, the original melody sheet re imagined was what I was talking about... Not very well expressed by me. The dead stretch and surrounded by black I would be happy with you listening, but don't feel like you owe anything, let your ears rest :)

  • @resonut123 Mar 2022

    Hey Nadine, thanks for the nice comments.
    I am glad you had a successful FAWM 2022.

  • @leka Mar 2022

    Thanks. Indeed it is Finnish cowboy music! :)

  • @dragondreams  Mar 2022

    Hey Nadine. Thank you loads for the visit, the listens, and the great comments!
    I'll be returning the favour shortly.
    A "fipple" is the channel cut into the block of wood in the mouthpiece of a recorder that channels air to the bit that makes the noise. ;-)
    Another name for a recorder is "fippleflute".

  • @ampersandman  Mar 2022

    Danke, vielleicht gibt mir das den Ansporn, mal ein Album fertigzustellen. :)

  • @intoyourlight  Mar 2022

    Hey thank you :) yes I’m still in holiday-mood :D Hope you are doing fine as well!

  • @wacha  Mar 2022

    Thank you for pointing out the wonderful comment @dzdconfused made about me. Those are some very kind words indeed!

  • @quork  Mar 2022

    You have my email address, Nadine, keep me posted if it comes together.

  • @ayehahmur  Mar 2022

    I'll definitely consider it... watch this space!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022
    For work on this "Blue Monday" <3

  • @hmorg  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Johanneksen tapuliin"! Yeah, I didn't go to all that much effort with the mixes this year, just a quick going over to make them sound not awful. Saved me time to actually write music. I might have also opted to mix bass in a bit lower in an effort to reach a more black metal end result, but I don't remember the process all that well anymore. But yeah, I'm happy with the growls and how the song turned out overall.

  • @ayehahmur  Mar 2022

    You're welcome. You really sounded great on the guitar. For me one of the opportunities FAWM allows us is to expand and improve our instrument skills, so I'm really impressed. (I don't play guitar at all, but actually I wonder if I could maybe learn enough to do something like yours by next Feb...)

  • @chrismyth02 Mar 2022

    Thanks for letting me know; fixed! Wish I'd have caught it sooner.

  • @chrisshepard Mar 2022

    Actually a vinyl record! I have quite a few old records and some of them are regrettably dirty, so I get some skips. I have a Rolling Stones album that skipped on Route 66 and it just kept going "6.....6.....6...." so I want to use that sometime!

  • @sheslin  Mar 2022

    Thanks for explaining the morph thing to me! I am truly inspired by your collaborations - and multiple collaborators. The first time I truly collabed with someone was in FAWM 3 years ago. It is one of my favorite parts about this wonderful community. I wish it lasted longer than one month, but I really do look forward to February now. Hoping things get better for you, and us all, in the very near future. Thanks so much again!

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for listening to some of my pieces and for your kind words about them. You suggested I "dive deep into production and VST programming". Thank you for that, and I'll look into it once I learn how to use a DAW. I plan over the next year to finally figure it out. I have a good book on the Abelton Live software I bought a few years ago. This book got great reviews, unlike the last book I tried to learn from with no luck. I was planning to take a course locally to learn it, but then COVID hit, and it's still landing people in the hospital, so I'll have to just roll up my sleeves and do a deep dive into my book instead.

  • @n24  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comments! I’m really enjoying all your compositions and the breadth of musicality!

  • @ferry0123 Mar 2022

    You're welcome, Nadine. I'm sure the song will be lifted to a new listening experience. Sparsely or more densely arranged, as long as it does justice to the song.

  • @sherrylynnlee Mar 2022

    Thanks for your nice comments! I grew up in Mauritius, so French is my 3rd language, but I am natively fluent. That said, after 15 years in North America, my vocab is a bit rusty so writing songs in French has been a good way to force myself to use these old neural pathways again :)

  • @guitarpatz83 Mar 2022

    Thanks for all the kind comments Nadine! I’m looking forward to working my way through some of yours very soon! By the way, when I said Martian sunset was all about the Les Paul, I meant musically not lyrically haha. And yes blowing hot air is a metaphor for a person who likes to sound off (often with no justification) - like most of our idiot politicians in govt here in the UK over the last few years :)

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    I will talk to you tonight.
    DISCO BLUES ..yes!

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Ich bin immer noch hier! ..are you?? Lots of great songs

  • @calumcarlyle Mar 2022

    Hi Nadine, yes that would be great, if you want to email me any new releases as they come out, please do so, to:

    offbeatmusicshow .A.T. g mail .d0t com*

    * email address obfuscated to reduce spamharvesting!

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Pretty much. But I couldn’t resist doing the last 20% ;) thanks for stopping to listen again!

  • @tunecat  Mar 2022

    Hi nafine. I suspect beatwave was recommended on a forum it’s not a DAW - it’s as you see grids that allow you to write the notes with your finger ( but not input via keyboard) on loops that are I think a max of 4 bars long. I m sure it’s intended for quite bland dance music judging by the demo tracks. I think the thing that I find interesting is partly the fact that it’s such a different process. I never have the tolerance for some processes that people use - but on the other Gand I love finding the possibilities that different software opens up - partly because of its simplicity.

  • @ambroise Mar 2022

    Thanks you for your comment on "La machinerie". It is just a story with an imaginary machine. But as all stories, it could be a broader metaphor to whatever works with it. Maybe computers, cars, plastic manufacturing, carbon-based energy, or the whole technological process. I don't have a sure grip on the definite meaning. The question is was could it mean to you ?

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022

    That list is indeed crazy long.
    The line about rope comes from an old saying, usually said about someone who is overbearing. To give someone enough rope to hang themselves, is letting the person do things the way they want knowing they are going to fail doing it that way.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Hey, Nadine - I'm going to send you an email..

  • @dreamscuba  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments and feedback on my soundboard - I know you can't do any more tit4tat... you have commented on many of my songs and given me great encouragement. All cool. By the way, you are a very strong songwriter and producer...and I see a project management streak in you, which is cool (I am a project manager by trade)...

  • @pipewrench67 Mar 2022

    I was referring to chromatic moving a half step up or a half step down and then repeating the half step up or down. The Beatles used this often (especially Harrison), it seems to be happening within the chords of the song up at first and down later.

  • @doggolito Mar 2022

    And thanks for your comments on "cats" and alone :D

  • @doggolito Mar 2022

    I probably won't rework all the songs but I know that alone is in the work. I'm currently working on adding my own vocals for once. I just have two snippets for now. Maybe I'll remove my vocaloid for eternal as well. I think I can manage with my own voice on it too :)

    Next FAWM, let's collab for sure !

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Its no problem if you do't have time, tit4tat takes time I know. I refrain from the tit4tat this time but I will hang out here checking people out anyway :)

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Hey there! I’m going to check out the spreadsheet today and see what I think I can do well. Expect an email a little later. Looking forward to it!

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Thanks or your listen on the cold white light. I do plan to turn this goth rock thing into a full project, will definitely take our feedback into an account when time for that comes :) Would love your feedback on all of the goth project songs if you find the time....

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Heheh, unlikely. Maybe someone listening to the whole album, but how likely is that to happen, especially it being so long? :D

  • @emplate  Mar 2022

    Thank you again for the commen, glad you enjoyed Tulen nielemä hirvenkaataja! :) And hahah, yeah, I'm not sure if that's the concept album or just running out of ideas and not realising it when pushing this much material out in one month :D

  • @ampersandman  Mar 2022

    Au Mann, danke dir! Ich bin eigentlich ein eher erbärmlicher Akustikgitarrist und Don‘t Lose Hope ist auch ziemlich dahingeschludert. Aber freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat.
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem FAWM, du hast es absolut gerockt. Nicht nur dass du so viele Songs auf der Uhr stehen hast, du hast nach meinem Empfinden auch qualitativ noch eine Schippe draufgelegt. Und wie viele Comments du dazu noch hinterlassen hast (und zwar ausführliche und differenzierte, bei denen man merkt, dass du dich wirklich mit den Songs auseinandersetzt) … einfach nur *mind blown*. Da stünde ich jetzt schon vor dem Burnout. Hoffe, ich kann noch ein paar mehr Songs kommentieren.

  • @radiobenedetto  Mar 2022

    Hey Nadine! Thx for sticking it through the whole concept album! Your one of the few and I’m very grateful for your thoughtful feedback. Sorry for the radio silence. Work got crazy just as fawm was ending so I am behind in my listening. You’ve been so prolific this year! no need for a tit4 tat…looking fwd to diving into your stuff over the coming days!

  • @b3nut  Mar 2022

    Thanks so much Nadine...I had a lot of fun making that track. The idea of running the lead vocal through an amp sim was born out of an accident...I assigned the wrong input to a guitar track and grabbed the mic input instead of the guitar, and was struck by how cool it happy accidents! ;)

  • @beacon Mar 2022

    Thanks so much for being my companion on the Century Club climb. You really ran ahead of me at the end when I ran out of steam! Hope to see you at the reception on Saturday again!

  • @katestantonsings  Mar 2022

    I selfishly want you to join 50/90 because you leave meaningful comments, make damn good music, and everyone will miss your presence. That's why my dear friend ;-P

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your kind words on Shangri-La. Shangri-la is basically a remote beautiful imaginary place where life is complete bliss. It can mean any place of pure happiness and peace. Hope that helps.

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Nadine - I think music is easier for me because I come to it without a lot of expectations. For the past three years, I’ve made a CD every Christmas for my parents of some of the songs I’ve worked on that year. The first year it was all a capella. The second year most of the songs had me banging at the guitar. The third year has some tracks with me and Band and a Box and others where cowriters play and sing. It’s a big deal for me to figure out that singing and playing and writing are all things I can keep getting better at, and that there isn’t any hurry. Look forward to hearing more of your stuff now and later.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    credit where it's due, my friend!

  • @sph  Mar 2022

    Oje :-D

  • @sph  Mar 2022

    How good are you at woodworking? I might send you a DIY instruction :-D

  • @davidtaro  Mar 2022

    Haha!! I’ll try and catch up with some of yours though ;)

  • @jamkar Mar 2022

    Sure Nadine. I apologize. I usually upload mp3 on the FAWM site. Maybe Dropbox too.

  • @wacha  Mar 2022

    Thank you for your kind words on "Chasing Butterflies" I'm hoping J and I can rework that with some new vocals in the near future.

  • @chroes  Mar 2022

    Hey again, thank you for your helpful comment! I will try your hints when work on that song again. I'll probably just don't send the bass and bass drum to my reverb channels at all, that was my first attempt on making the sound more full. I've solved that issue now with other methods.
    Thank you again!

  • @cts  Mar 2022

    Wait - FAWM 21 was your first FAWM? You move about this site like you’ve been here for years!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    dying pigs LOL.. I will keep that in my mind as the bar to strive for as I climb the death metal ladder to fame and bankruptcy! :)
    Our paths shall cross many times again, my friend. Be safe, happy, and I travel in the light!

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thanks for the responses, Nadia.
    Screaming? wasn't there clipping? Or does that only add to the sound.
    and now that I am edified on how to do the metal vocal thing, Ima run away from home and join a metal band. I could do that iny sleep, indeed I do that every couple of days when I yell at a neighbor of mine I don't like! LOL.
    The problem for me with those kind of songs/vocals is that I don't understand much of the vocals but for death satan seth and I'm completely lost when they're about characters from some dark side fiction or video game... anyway, you've opened up a new career oportunity for me, thanks. LOL. Hugs, my friend. Thanks for all your care, love, and energy. Good luck with your 2022 collection. If I don't hear from you sooner, you're always welcome to write if you need anything, 5090 will be here before you know it. <3

  • @crutherford  Mar 2022

    Thanks for checking out the tunes! Brian @moonraccoon is my friend irl. He saw my original version of the tune - it's more of a show tune - and took it under his wing and did what I love to call Brian-ified it. (A wonderful thing in my books) And the tabs are all him :)

  • @seanbrennan  Mar 2022

    Nadine, I appreciate you taking the time to give some of our stuff a solid listen. (I'm the other half of @lavishdude with @deadhead.) Hope your FAWM was everything you wanted, congrats on crossing the finish line and then some!

  • @nancycunning  Mar 2022

    Nadine - Thanks so much for your comments. I did update the tags on the German songs I sang. Sorry you missed your guitar lesson, The next time your teacher doesn't show up, if you don't have a song you want to write, maybe we can have a beginner guitar show and tell....One of the things I like Band in a Box for is building tracks that I can practice guitar with. I'm trying to convince myself that March is MPGM - MarchPracticeGuitarMonth. Not quite as jazzy as FAWM, but I'd like to get an F chord under my fingers.

  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    I love your metal. I am going to respond to my tit4tat's, but I'll be back to listen to more.

  • @gm7  Mar 2022


  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    i am guilty!
    My god girl you need your rest!!

  • @gm7  Mar 2022

    Disco Blues

  • @coolparadiso  Mar 2022

    I wrote and EDM for a long time, but never for myself, that was my professional writing side which i kept away from my more fun personal writing gigging performing side. I am trying to retire now and just do fun stuff. A few people asked me to do some this year so i threw in about 5 . Im not an EDM singer but it was nice to share some for a change, but I've had to change some to not download as ive been approached to use some of these again. Thx for all your comments

  • @doggolito Mar 2022

    Thanks for your comments :D

    I agree that real vocals would be way way better in "w" than my vocaloid. Damn I wish I had tagged it as a collab now... As for punk music, I was always more into the pop punk/skate punk side thanks to my childhood where I played a lot of Tony Hawk games. Their soundtracks have always been part of my childhood and shaped my music taste a lot :)

    When I wrote "chug", I was really uninspired. I felt like writing a bunch of 0-1 patterns and in the end, it kinda worked.
    Maybe I'm way too critical over my own stuffs so that's why I might sound like I'm underselling my skills and self

  • @jamkar Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your responses Nadine!

  • @arthurrossi Mar 2022

    Vielen, vielen lieben Dank für Deine freundlichen Worte bzgl. "In meinen Gedanken reise ich noch zu dir". Es war eine große Freude, Deinen Kommentar zu lesen...

  • @spazsquatch Mar 2022

    Getting old( helped, but yeah, was never one for sitting calmly. I'm not stressed, just spastic.

  • @apolez3  Mar 2022

    BTW; think you’d alsolike ’King Baller; was wondering people’s take on it...

  • @apolez3  Mar 2022

    Hi, Thanks for the great review on ’Heed My Warning’ you were right I goofed and put head instead of heed tyty!!

  • @mattwdunn  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the kind words on ‘In the Garden’. Your comment on my phrasing is one of the best compliments I’ve received. I’m very happy

  • @spazsquatch Mar 2022

    I'll get around to the tit4tat in a bit, but just saw the comment "meditation didn't help" and burst out laughing. Still chuckling, well played.

    I've got some listening to do.

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the tips on the treatment of the vocal. I'll try the eq and reverb suggestions; I was thinking I might have too much presence from the high end, so you suggesting it also means there probably is. I'd have loved more takes on the vocal, but it was already 11 pm here on Feb 28, so I was cutting it close! I also tend to be nasally when I sing in my natural register; think I need vocal lessons to get that to sound as nice as my low or higher registers, always comes out a bit whiny, but more takes I could probably cobble something that sounds right. Thanks for the feedback!

  • @siebass  Mar 2022

    Thanks for the listen on After the Lights go out. I agree that the vocals need some treatment, but it's so rare that I write a softer rock song like that, I'm not sure quite what to do. I threw a phaser on there real low, and reverb, compressed a little to smooth the peaks, but I kind of just want to soften the vocals up a bit. I was very happy with the instruments, for sure. Sometimes you're baking a cake and it just all comes together great, and that song was like that.

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Thanks for all the comments Nadine

    Snap upload n sync represents all social media. The idea now that you have to document every moment. The irony being being that nothing is experienced anymore it’s just an entry on social media and then you move on to the next moment.

    Beyond Narnia is not cannon. It’s more the idea of what happens to the adult children when they leave and forget, but Narnia still calls to their subconscious in dreams.

  • @wolfkier Mar 2022

    Thanks for your kind words, thoughtful comments and useful input, my friend. I have a *huge* list of return visits to make before I even get to my first tit4tat response so I shall be back in a few days. Looking forward to trying some of the Killepitsch you've been brewing this FAWM.! :)

  • @williamjames Mar 2022

    Thank you for describing your process. It is eye opening how differently people approach music :)

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    Not saying @wolfkier is prolific, but that’s a week’s work XD. Take your time. I’ll still be #titfortat posting all month also lol

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you Nadine :)

  • @jayjay  Mar 2022

    @nadine that’s hilarious. Great job on everything. It’s a fun song with a fab musical track.

  • @danvaillancourt  Feb 2022

    Nadine! Thank you SO much for all of your beautiful comments and listening all through February. All of your kind words and suggestions really mean the world to me. My recording computer starting having issues a week or so into FAWM so many of the recordings this month were a bit more basic using my regular laptop or phone. Hopefully, I will be able to get the studio back up and running in the near future and give a few more songs a full production.