mse 5


US   Jan 2022

Artist Bio

I want to push myself to write more interesting and dynamic lyrics. I tend to get stuck and reach for the obvious rhyme or cliche, so all my songs end up being about nothing or about people who are stuck. It's not only my first FAWM but my first time sharing any of my songs with strangers. Please go easy. Thanks x

Songs (5)

#1 Shoe 2
Feb 2022
#2 The Blowhard 1
Feb 2022
#3 Merit Badge 1
Feb 2022
#4 Type 1
Feb 2022
#5 Elegy 1
Feb 2022


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  • @tuesdaygray Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comment!

  • @p3t3h4rv3y Feb 2022

    rhymes are fine, I find if I use them loosely it creates space and then my imagination fills the gaps, see 'Bread of Life' (plug for my own song) for an example 'amazement' came out of the day I'd had and funnily enough so did 'statement' but I didn't plan that. Dietrich and Secret was totally random but sounds intriguing, damn I just realised I rhymed 'down' with - 'down' in the last verse, very Lou Reed - keep up the good work