mrblitz 30


Seattle US   Jan 2010  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Captain Beefheart, Jim Dandy, Layne Staley

2022: Navigating the 'new normal'. Cheers! Happy Trails to you...

Songs (30)

#1 Corpus Christi Blues 4
Feb 2022
#2 Ezell's 2
Feb 2022
#3 Recon Battalion 1
Feb 2022
#4 Reliant K Pro 2
Feb 2022
#5 Home 3
Feb 2022
#6 Sky Sighs Why 3
Feb 2022
#7 Tampa Two Step 2
Feb 2022
#8 Tacoma Lakota 2
Feb 2022
#9 Sleepwalk 2
Feb 2022
#10 Transmission 3
Feb 2022
#11 Marilyn 4
Feb 2022
#12 Deep Silence 2
Feb 2022
#13 Great Republic 3
Feb 2022
#14 Komet ME-163 2
Feb 2022
#15 Hellcat 3
Feb 2022
#16 Boyfriend 2
Feb 2022
#17 Candyland 1
Feb 2022
#18 Matterhorn 1
Feb 2022
#19 Longest March 1
Feb 2022
#20 Settled Silence 1
Feb 2022
#21 Dream Walking 2
Feb 2022
#22 Disappear 2
Feb 2022
#23 Too Fine 1
Feb 2022
#24 Mountain Pass 1
Feb 2022
#25 Marianas Shoot 2
Feb 2022
#26 Laurel Canyon Days 1
Feb 2022
#27 Chili Pepper 1
Feb 2022
#28 Forward March 1
Feb 2022
#29 Moving Along 2
Feb 2022
#30 Karelia 4
Feb 2022


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  • @dwarvenlover Feb 2022

    Avesome stuff!!!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Hah! I was just getting caught up listening and you were busy recording.

  • @majormajormajormajor  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the astute comment- and particularly on the solos-good ear! Yep, the guitar is a nashville tele(through that fuzz, then an ac-30 clone with a bit of grit in the clean) and the first solo is the neck pup which is a standard tele lipstick and the second is the middle one which is garden variety strat middle pup but def has more output

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    Grats on the early "win" I'll be back to listen to the rest for sure. You've got not a different sound going this year, but it all seems really "cohesive" and I think best admired in chunks or the whole. The fact you did at least most of it in one session probably has a lot to do with that.

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'Molly Bloom'! I'll take a 'Jim Croce comparison' any time!

  • @ferry0123 Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening, Andy. Yes, have a great Fawm as well!

  • @ferry0123 Jan 2022

    Rock da House!

  • @wolfkier Jan 2022

    Let's put some fire under this second decade of FAWMing (and knowing each other). Looking forward to what's next from you~ !
    Bring the yummies!

  • @cts  Jan 2022

    We shall, brother....we shall.