Joshua Kronengold 0


11377 US   Jan 2012  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Musical Theater (Rogers & Hammerstein, Sondheim, Rent), Fred Small, Tom Smith, Bob Kanefsky, Cat Faber, Talis Kimberley, irish music

I've been involved in the Filk community since 1991 and actively writing songs since before 2001. Most of my songs are parodies/tune reuse -- but I'll also write original melodies for when a song isn't inspired directly by another song, and I've occasionally composed melodies for other people's lyrics (about as often as I've written melodies for my own lyrics).

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @janeg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for commenting on A Waggling of Tongues! I had hoped that Phil would compose music but he’s been sick for most of FAWM and is now in hospital awaiting surgery to remove his gall bladder. Bad timing; he looks forward to FAWM all year. I did tag it needs-music in hopes someone would offer. Might that be you?