Mister Mann 14


Richmond, US   Feb 2012

Artist Bio

Pronouns: He/Him/His

I have the best of intentions for 2022 but we’ll see what happens.

I love playing with others during FAWM and it’s my main reason for occupying this space. Please reach out if you want to collab.

For a flavor of what I do, I write activist music with gay/political/religious themes and offbeat arrangements as Ruckus Aquinas at http://www.ruckusaquinas.com

There’s also music collabs and one-offs mixed into my new TikTok feed that might feature some cross-collaboration here: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdr5nept/


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  • @oswlek Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for swinging by and leaving the generous comments. When I get a moment, I'm planning to check out Ruckus Aquinas. I'll let you know my impressions. :)

  • @vaseyr Feb 2022

    thank you so much for your comment on my song, it was such a touching and lovely compliment! I really appreciate your feedback as well

  • @theodamus  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment, no idea where the stutter came from but it's a h h h h hit haha! Looking forward to hearing more of your stuff :)

  • @lifewithtomcat  Feb 2022

    Thx for alerting me to the party going on all up in here!

  • @erbaer  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWMing!

  • @expendablefriend Jan 2022

    Hey hey :)
    Looking forward to your songs!