Miltz 3


Mn US   Jan 2013

Artist Bio


Might poke my head in, dip a toe, might not. Either way, happy FAWMing to all.

2/6: Just getting to the things I should have done in January (getting my new interface set up, restringing and tuning things, seeing if I remember how to record--I make some sort of racket every day, but I haven't recorded anything in a few years--installing or reinstalling software, all the tedious stuff) but I'm now determined to get at least a couple of things done and up.

2/27: Well, I guess three is it. I thought I might get another one or two done over the weekend, but neck/back/shoulder stuff left me not much feeling like it. And I work late tomorrow. Still, after recording nothing at all for the last few years, three's a win to me.

I'll be around some in the first week of March, I think, to do a bit more listening.

And maybe I'll be at 50/90.
Yes, a little creature, I shall try and make a little creature, to hold in my arms, a little creature in my image, no matter what I say. And seeing what a poor thing I have made, or how like myself, I shall eat it. Then be alone a long time, unhappy, not knowing what my prayer should be nor to whom.
--Samuel Beckett, Malone Dies
You can't reform profit capitalism and inhumanity. Just kick it till it breaks.
--The Angry Brigade, Communique 8


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  • @mikedebenham  Mar 2022

    Cheers, Dan. Really pleased to see you creating again. Hope the spark carries on through the year. Warning: I'll be twisting your arm into a proper collab next time.

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Dan, I remember your loops being pretty inspiring a few years back, so if you have any of those lying around, I could probably give them a good home.

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    Hmm, now you mention it: 'Man in a Hole', 'Hole in the Sky'. Maybe others? Concept album here we come. Pleased to see you back, Dan. Hope life's being kind to you these days.

  • @mikedebenham  Feb 2022

    I look forward to either your head or your toe.