Mike Hind 6


Pembroke BM   Jan 2016


Artist Bio

Influences:   Julia Nunes, Matt Lindahl, Narciso Lobo, Sesame Street, Otis Redding, Elvis, Van Morrison, George Ezra, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen...

Pronouns: he/him
Bermudian ukulele player and entertainer. Boisterous and funny on stage, but my songs are mellow and laid back.
Last year, I had a record ONE song recorded and one batch of lyrics done, so... basically a song and a half, two songs?
I'm pleased with that.

Today (the 30th of Jan), I finished a song I've been working on for a months... and then wrote another, whole cloth, start to finish.
So, I think this month is gonna go one of those two ways! Hopefully both!

Songs (6)

#1 Speechless 2
Feb 2022
#2 Never Let Go 4
Feb 2022
#3 Remember 1
Feb 2022
#4 You're A Daydream 3
Feb 2022
#5 Sleep Tonight 1
Feb 2022
#6 Beautiful 1
Feb 2022


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  • @mikehind  Feb 2022

    Thanks to everyone who listened to my stuff... this was a good year for me. I wanted to do more, but I like these six so much, I think I just wanted to concentrate on them, rather than try to do more.
    SIX SONGS! New record!

  • @lizchids  Feb 2022

    I miss you too friend! I love your songs! Come visit the states soon! <3

  • @tuesdaygray Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment!