Mike Debenham 15


AU   Jan 2006


Artist Bio

Glaring suspiciously at 2022.


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  • @datsch  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Mike. You're very perceptive about the Holly, I gave each song a tree as well as a flower and I didn't want to give the tree's latin name and so on as well, but t would clutter things -- the trees will all get their own songs at some point ... it's planned as a 200 song songcycle ...

  • @miltz  Mar 2022

    Thanks, Mike. I look forward to collaborating again.

  • @oldlostjohn Mar 2022

    The bog man noise is from opening and closing the reeds of the melodeon with the clutch engaged so that no notes are played. (Clutch may not be the right term, but I guess you know what I mean.) And what sounds like a low flute is - guess what - a low flute.

  • @tinear  Mar 2022

    Always a pleasure to collab with you again Mike - twice too!
    Well done on 15 - You put on quite a last week spurt there
    I'll keep an eye out for the occasional Possum Sauce at SF.

  • @tukayandryan  Mar 2022

    Congrats on reaching the finishing line! Looking forward to listening to more of your songs this month!

  • @adforperu  Mar 2022

    Oh she is still curling them out, three or four times a day. Congrats on your 15, I've got plenty of catching up to do on your glorious work!

  • @stephenwordsmith  Feb 2022

    Well, I'm not going anywhere. If you feel inspired next year, or any subsequent year, my door is always open.

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Hey Mike, I put an idea on your email ...

  • @tinear  Feb 2022

    Ha ha, you have a good ear! I've been listening to Ron Sexsmith's Retriever album a lot and there's a lot of influence from him in that song.
    Do I get an undertone you're not his biggest fan though?

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Sent you a silly lyric regarding mens half pipe Olympic competition this year. Sent to your gmail from mine.

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    I haven’t. My FAWM involvement this year is just not important to me. I’m finding I’m enjoying doing crossword puzzles more than songwriting!

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    Thank you for your emphatic comments on "It's Autumn" and "Migration is a Human Right". Refugees are not allowed to enter in at the EU external borders if possible. Since so many have drowned, the Mediterranean sometimes seems like a mass grave to me. I don't even want to go on vacation there anymore.

  • @itneverhappened Feb 2022

    Great! Just emailed you.

  • @susyblue  Feb 2022

    Hell yes! (please)

  • @jeff9  Feb 2022

    Much obliged, Mike, for the kind words on "Grieving" and "Somewhere East of Nashville". To receive compliments from a guy who wrote in one day what I think is the best song on the site so far (Josephine In Pink), it's incredibly encouraging. Thank you.

    And btw, next time I'm doing a little front porch acoustic session of covers with my buddies, I plan to break out your song.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on "She's contemplating". It's just the opposite if the songs I usually write. What a wonderful #rip-off challenge.

  • @miltz  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Mike. All the sounds in Stammheim... are live and acoustic, the only processing in the DAW was a bit of EQ and compression and a plate reverb. Oh, and some slight volume adjustments. The deep tones are from dragging a superball mallet across the frame drum.

  • @theawkwardsleep Feb 2022

    It’s ok. I only know these things because of bad reality tv. Guilty pleasure that gets me nowhere.

  • @thedustcollector Feb 2022

    i am indeed! hello! hope you're recuperating alright--necks are generally important for remaining alive, i hear.

    (seriously, loved the squirrel murder song.)

  • @miltz  Feb 2022

    Mike, the only loops I have lying around are these goofy things I posted a couple of years ago. Dan moi (mouth harp) and percussion. Noisy, not looped too well, but I just listened to a few and they're okay. I like the slowed down ones.


    I'll see if I can cook up something fresh, but in the meantime, maybe you can get something out of those.

    (Anyone else seeing this is free to use these for any purpose, but since they're old, if you use them for FAWM don't credit me as a collaborator.)

  • @theawkwardsleep Feb 2022

    Sex tea sounds fun. But no, more like the best type of gossip. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tea&amp=true

  • @readerwriterpoet  Feb 2022

    I will admit, I had to google what a doona was. I learned new aussie slang today! She stays very warm and I stay very cold, so if her body heat isn’t enough for me, I grab an extra blanket just for me. :) Appreciate your kindness as always, and good to know you’ll at least consider giving your gorgeous songs the permanence they deserve (and we crave!).

  • @philnorman  Feb 2022

    No promises, but I'd be proud to try! rockstarphil at the gmails

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    Hey Mike! I found these lyrics from Doug Haberman and I thought of you immediately! I can hear you all over this. Now I shall enjoy a listen to one of my favorite songwriters. You!

  • @miltz  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Mike. Life is in fact being kind to me these days. Feels odd.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    How do you best like to work, I could send you a lyric idea or you could send me some guitar chords.

  • @resonance Feb 2022

    I might have time for one instrumental this month. We'll see... ; )

  • @autoclamp  Feb 2022

    My avatar is possibly a telephone switchboard. Jonny Greenwood played one on "Idioteque."

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    ah, but can you hear it in your mind’s eye? body part challenge obliges ;)

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Hey Mike, I’m having a slow start to FAWM but I would love to collab if your dance card isn’t already full.

  • @miltz  Feb 2022

    Hi, Mike. Thanks. I'm hoping to get a new audio interface set up over the weekend, and maybe the saz restrung and peg doped. Determined to get at least something done this year.

    I'll be around soon to give a listen.

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Thanks, Mike, great to see you back too. Hope you have a wonderful FAWM.

  • @lcad  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the note Mike, good to hear your voice again, sonorous as usual. I do miss my little birdodile but they'd want us to go on.

  • @chasingandromeda  Feb 2022

    Thanks, Mike. Great to hear from you. I think I will be able to get a few new things kicked out this month. Stay tuned. Now I have to go listen to your first one of the year. Best wishes as always!

  • @tinear  Feb 2022

    I don't know who you've mistaken me for but even if I did, I'd still deny it. Of course I'd love to collab though bear in mind I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. Got any ideas?

  • @ericdistad  Feb 2022

    G'day Mike! So glad to see you back again!

  • @elainedimasi  Feb 2022

    Confuse three algorithms every day before breakfast, I always say!

    THANK YOU and happy new FAWM, even if it is 2022 :-)

  • @scottlake Feb 2022

    Great. I can get some words to you soon!

  • @karlsburg25  Feb 2022

    Ha ha broke my wrist by playing indoor football on a wooden floor with socks on ;-) hmm kept falling over. see all innocent, and cheers for the listen Mike

  • @jessi14 Feb 2022

    Happy FAWMing to you Mike! Glad to find your song in my watchlist:-)

  • @coolparadiso  Feb 2022

    great start song on a very important issue

  • @readerwriterpoet  Jan 2022

    my friend, i cannot wait to hear the gorgeous things you come up with this year <3

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Yo yo mikey

  • @thedustcollector Jan 2022

    loving the mike check below. hope you're doing okay!

  • @oldlostjohn Jan 2022

    Mike, are you there?

  • @autoclamp  Jan 2022

    Mike check, as it were.

  • @sunnymae  Jan 2022

    Hey Mr. Debenham!
    I'm so looking forward to hearing your beautiful work this year. Have fun exploring. :0)

  • @kadmad202  Jan 2022

    Hope to see you around this year!

  • @scottlake Jan 2022

    Mike I'm just listening to "All in All it was a Normal Kind of Day. Lovely again. Care to collab on something non-silly this year?

  • @thelowestbitter Jan 2022

    Hoping to hear some more Mike magic this year

  • @sailingmagpie  Jan 2022

    FAWM 22 needs you!

  • @adforperu  Jan 2022


  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Looking forward to hearing what you can rustle up this year!