miga 12


PA US   Jan 2021

Artist Bio

Influences:   It's difficult to know what to write here. For singing Tori Amos, Natalie Merchant maybe? (Though it's not like either of them were my primary musical diet either.) For songs, any creative, thoughtful indie stuff that tickles my ear. Or that's what I like to listen to and would prefer to write.

Second year of FAWM.

Younger me wanted to be a songwriter. Middle aged me realized I was either going to get creative again or risk some kind of spiritual death. Providentially, I wasn't ready to die like that. For the sake of my soul I now write songs.

And that sounds very serious because I take life a little too seriously.

Thankfully, FAWM encourages silliness, just having fun and putting 'whatever' out there. Good medicine for general lack of levity.

I'm working with the mic on my earbuds, GarageBand, an acoustic piano, acoustic guitar and an iRig. And that's pretty much it.

Happy to hear constructive criticism of my songs. You can give me pointers about how to record. I have a lot to learn about that.

I'm all over the place in terms of the songs I'm writing this year and not because of any strategy or plan. Just having fun!


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @audrey  Apr 2022

    I just signed back in for a last check on FAWM before it closes for the year. I see I almost missed your last comment on one of my pieces. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and comment. I'm so glad you like "A Doomed Love". I really like your music too and look forward to hearing more of it next FAWM. :)

  • @nadine Apr 2022

    Thanks a lot for listening and commenting "Disco Blues". We're working on it but we won't finish before the site is down. I guess most songs of this FAWM will take 6-12 months until final. I'll take a listen into your stuff soon.

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    I can guarantee I'll be travelling for about 3 weeks of 50/90 but I'll do it anyway!

  • @musicsongwriter Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your kind comment on my skirmish piece and collaboration.

  • @wylddandelyon Mar 2022

    It's OK not to do #tit4tat, though I do enjoy getting comments. Doesn't everyone?

    But there's no way I can remember who is and isn't signed up in that post, so I kind of automatically use the hashtag when making comments in March. Other people will do what they do no matter what I write, I figure, but I'm doing tit4tat. Thanks for stopping by!

  • @vaseyr Mar 2022

    Thank you for your comment on “Fate”! The struggle with playing instruments certainly feels like it holds me back from writing the way I wish I could, but I’m glad I shared the song anyways and that you liked it!

  • @metalfoot  Mar 2022

    50/90 is a completely different website ( https://fiftyninety.fawmers.org ) but it's the same sort of idea. But being spread over 90 days even though the ratio of songs is technically harder it doesn't feel as intense. Different vibe. Many of the same people. Much smaller than FAWM community-wise.

  • @lissielou79  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your comments on my songs 'don't be shy' & 'pick up the rubbish' much appreciated.

  • @fiddlerblick80 Feb 2022

    Hey thank you! I appreciate the feedback :)

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I would strongly urge you to consider also doing the partner-event to this, 50/90, this summer/fall. It starts July 4 and rocks to October 1. If for no other reason than I love your music and want to hear more!

    It's been great getting to know you musically this month. I'll be hanging around on FAWM till the site closes for good probably in May or so.

  • @vaseyr Feb 2022

    thank you so much, your comment on my song truly means a lot. I’m always so self conscious sharing what I write so your kind words genuinely made me a little teary and made my day.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I'm not *really* upset with @stephenwordsmith. I would count him among my friends. The fault lies with me for taking up the unreasonable challenge. LOL.

    The good news is that once I get a couple elements past uranium there really isn't anything to say about the elements so I'll be taking a shortcut to get to the end... stay tuned!

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    :) My comment is duly updated! And yeah, 33 already. Sorry. It's the way I FAWM. I'm sure a lot of folks unfollow me because I tend to blow up their notifications. LOL

  • @nancycunning  Feb 2022

    Thank you for responding to the lyrics to Chickens in the Bedroom, @robertdavis created music for it and recorded it. I'd love to know if it's like what you imagined it would sound like. https://fawm.org/songs/129750/

  • @jaegerin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your lovely comment on Lend Your Voice. Such a nice thing to wake up to! And I love your bio, too. So I’m a fan before I’ve even listened to your songs I will catch up later today when I can give them my full attention.

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I have written a song about the Brown Couch before! I think it might be time for a new one though LOL

  • @pauloramos Feb 2022

    Hey, thanks for your comment on my song, really kind of you to take the time to listen. Hope FAWM goes well for you this year :)

  • @metalfoot  Feb 2022

    I'm just impressed you know where Birds Hill Park is! :D

    (Though, and here's a shocker, I've lived in Manitoba nearly 19 years and have never been there!)

  • @dukemeyer  Feb 2022

    We don't know each other. I checked your profile because I got the same icon. ;-) I'm touched by the serious words in your bio. I'm glad when even the thoughtful don't die earlier than the easy ones. (Which is easy to say, of course.) Maybe any strange power in the universe ;-) wanted you to stay alive. I believe it's for reasons, if we understand them or less. Wish you a blessed FAWM!
    (Sorry for my stumbling English, it's not my mother's language.)

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Magical brown couches are awesome. :) I have also used the Spare Oom but it doesn't seem to work as well, possibly because Spare Oom is right next to where my kids sleep and it's nice to not have to do everything at whisper volume during my spare time early morning or late evening.

    All the best to you on your FAWMing this year!