metricula 6


Raleigh US   Feb 2020


Artist Bio

Influences:   Melissa Etheridge, America, Alanis Morissettte, Hedy West, James Taylor, Maddy Prior and June Tabor, Blink 182, Animalweapon, The Runaways, Ulrich Schnauss

I'm a singer-songwriter out of Raleigh, NC and I like to write about love, Dungeons & Dragons, video games, BDSM, politics, mental health, and My Trauma! My electronica alter-ego is DJ DANI ORTHANC. I'm also half of the fangirl band @thesalaciouscrumbles with @leighleighla!


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  • @ceilidh  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comment on "The Sun Will Return"! Happy FAWMing!

  • @infilktion Feb 2022

    Thank you for rating Dragon Hoard! Happy knitting!

  • @ericdistad  Feb 2022

    Welcome back to FAWM! Have a great month!