Meri Amber 1


Sydney AU   Feb 2014  

Artist Bio

Influences:   The endless wonders of this magical, confusing and hilarious world.

I'm a nutball musician human. My songs tend to fall into musical comedy, social commentary, social satire and filk :)

I'm going to give FAWM 2022 a crack!

I'm also thinking I might take the profile pic as a sign and write some songs on my POs for FAWM this year...

Songs (1)

#1 All Alone 7
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @timfatchen  Mar 2022

    Not to worry, there's always next year!

  • @geoff61 Feb 2022

    i need a video, you are so watchable :-)

  • @marklberry  Feb 2022

    Rock Star from Down under. Hope to see you here at FAWM this year. Love all your videos throughout the year.

  • @kovbleu  Jan 2022

    Glad to see you back this year! Have a terrific FAWM! You're so fun I always look forward to what you'll create.

  • @jwhanberry  Jan 2022

    Happy you're here. I always enjoy your fun productions.

  • @timfatchen  Jan 2022

    So glad!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Meri! It is great to see you back and I'm looking forward to what you come up with!

  • @seanbrennan  Jan 2022

    You're coming back 'round? Excellent news! Can't wait to see what you dream up this year. Your Brothers Grimm EP may still be my favorite thing to ever come out of this community.

  • @tawny249  Jan 2022

    Hey! You're back! Hope this year proves fruitful. Have an amazing FAWM 2022!

  • @nicetrip  Jan 2022

    Hey, I hope you are well. It would be nice to listen to new music from you on this FAWM