mctown 10


37110 US   Jan 2010

Artist Bio

Influences:   Nashville, Americana, Country, Southern Rock, FAWM, 50/90 Bob Dylan, CCR, Steve Earle, Nashville, Deena and many other genres.

Lyrics..David L Graham. administers a group called Middle Tennessee Songwriters on FACEBOOK, Had some success with 320 collaborations on tv/film placements.and 60 plus cuts on indie stuff. A retired teacher and experienced fawmer. He lives in Middle Tennessee in the USA. Member of Tennessee Songwriters Association International. As a songwriter have cuts by Clarence Clemons Band, The Livesays, Campfire Flies, Scarlette Fever, Candi Staton, Deena, RockDownBaby, The Cucumbers, and more.


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @mctown Feb 2022

    Wish everyone well.....

  • @mctown Feb 2022

    @marthie I am good. I just have been busy grandfathering some... going back and forth helping out... little bit out of the groove. dg

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    Hey! I missed you. How are you? Thank you for listening

  • @mctown Feb 2022

    Been very busy with new grandcihild. Feel free to email me.

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the kind comments David, really strapped for time this year, so much other stuff going on

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Hey,yes please to more words, but no pressure! In your own time.

  • @erucaesounds  Feb 2022

    Aaaaand....Thanks for your kind thoughts on Longing, much appreciated!

  • @erucaesounds  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind comments on Mr Spaceman..... much appreciated.

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Words, sadly. And boring words about corporate finance at that. I’ll check out Allman Betts, I love the original Allman Brothers (mainly that Fillmore East album), so sure I’ll dig it. Thanks!

  • @wacha  Feb 2022

    Tha k you for your comment on "Mulholland Runaway"!

  • @davidtaro  Feb 2022

    Hi David! Got the lyrics, haven't had a chance to play around with them today. Will let you know if I can tease any music out to accompany :)

  • @brisk Feb 2022

    Awesome, thanks! Leave those with me to perculate... looks like fun!

  • @netnoise Jan 2022

    Hi David. Great to meet you. I'd like to learn more about TSAI (I was a former regional coordinator for NSAI when I lived in Connecticut). I'm in Nashville now. Cheers!

  • @deena  Jan 2022

    David!!! Hello! Looking forward to hearing your songs.

  • @phylo  Jan 2022

    Okay then... what are we cooking up this year?

  • @bradbrubaker  Jan 2022

    Yeah, I periodically check in to see when the second All These Years book is going to come out. Some people worry about George R. R. Martin dying before he finishes; I worry about Mark Lewisohn.

  • @brisk Jan 2022

    Hello, if it isn't apparent, I'm Hypnotist from 50/90 - if you have any words for me this time I'd be thrilled, but I'm sure you're in demand! Have a great one...

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Jan 2022

    Hello, hello!

    I haven't forgotten about that last lyric you sent me I've somewhat worked out a progression for it just never recorded it. I figured I'd save it until Febuary.

  • @davidtaro  Jan 2022

    Hi David, hoping for more enigmatic missives and cool lyrics. Have a great FAWM :)

  • @davi3blu3 Jan 2022

    Hello from Nashville, excited to see what you come up with.

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Here we go again!

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Welcome back