Matt Pierce 14

Artist Bio

Influences:   too many to list

Its 2022!
We'll see what I can do!

Update: got a serious cold going on so I'm going rest now!

Suffered some nerve damage to my wrist after fracturing it. It has been a slow recovery, not being able to play guitar!

Soze' now I got me...
3 cats
2 dogs
2 grand kids
1 daughter
1 wife
all living with me!

One son and one grandson with my awesome daughter-in-law who moved to DePalma, California!

One daughter & one Grandson
who moved to Genoa, Illinois

A lot went on this year!
Better hang on tight in my world, man!
Your liable to fall off it! :D

Now its 2021:
About that snowblowing accident.
Well, I fractured my wrist.
X-rays clearly showed it
MRI did a extensive and expensive exam and confirmed it.
It didn't matter anyway because of Covid lockdown all my gigs were cancelled.
Arthritis set in and its been a year now and my hand still feels numb!

We also moved to a bigger house as my daughters moved back in, one with my grandkids in tow.

Soze' I got me...
4 cats
2 dogs
2 grand kids
2 daughters
1 wife!

Oh well, there's plenty of drama to write a novel
here, let alone a song or two! :)

I'll likely be using just an old nylon guitar and maybe a piano to wrangle out a song or two.
But my grand kids may be involved in one way or another, we'll see.

I became another Grandfather this last year
Winston Stefanos Pierce, born in Sept.
Soze' I got me three of 'em now! :D

Peace, Love & Happiness

Snowblowing, I hit the curb with the 9 Horse
snowblower. Causing it to jerk back in an unexpected direction injuring my wrist!
It could be broken but the doctor wants me to wear a brace because it is definitely tendonitis before I schedule x-rays!

So, I'm out...cannot finish! :(

Be well my friends!

Well, its 2020!
Work is killing me! :(
One daughter moved out!
I need the restorative benefits of another fawm!

Its like euphonious yoga! :)
This has been a cruel month, daughters moved back in! One with child and one on the way and the other daughter ran out of funds! So I've been awfully busy moving boxes in and out of storage units and stuff! :(

I wish to apologize as I screwed up the songs!!
Its been a rough month and was sleep fawming again!

So if you receive a goofy comment from me that's usually unreadable...I've been sleep fawming again! :)

2019 is here, it is my thirtweeth year
If ya gotta song I have an ear!
If ya want to collaborate
Please don't hesitate!

Also I have Chocolate!


Because of recent personal developments that have happened! I may not be able to create much! :( With both daughters moving back in, my studio will have to be taken down and reorganized!


Here it is 2018 and it's my twelveteenth year doing this!
Yeah baby! How about them apples!
Right now, all I can think about are numbers!
That's what I do, I work with a few formula's and mash numbers together and see if they come out as intended!

I guess what I'm trying to say,
Is words are coming out hard today!
Just too hard to write a song,
Tomorrow one might come along!

g'night zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Here it is 2017
another year of
livin' the dream!


I am:
A designer at a rubber hose plant during the day (yeah, I'm a "hoser" :P) and at night I aspire to be a singer/songwriter. I play hockey in an old farts league, play golf, fish (walleyes and early crappies) and love gardening too!

This year I have been picking up some gigs at the local establishments near my home of Sun Prairie, Wisc.
Enuf said, lets have some fun! :)


A few things worth noting, comparing musicians and engineers:
1) Pocket protectors work great for storing guitar picks! :)
2) Changing everybody's windows settings in the office to a Slash guitar solo during windows start-up, isn't such a great idea, to some! :/
3) And finally, musicians sometimes change their shirts! :D


Sing with your heart,
and write like it's art! :)

Songs (14)

#1 Tatterdemalion Town 2
Feb 2022
#2 Bone Appetite 2
Feb 2022
#3 light a candle in the wind 2
Feb 2022
#4 come clean 1
Feb 2022
#5 Trolls ZONG
Feb 2022
#6 16,000 gallons of water 1
Feb 2022
#7 I can't quit you 3
Feb 2022
#8 From here to eternity 4
Feb 2022
#9 Can I Borrow That Guitar @wsharper69 1
Feb 2022
#10 Let it go 1
Feb 2022
#11 Comes down to love 1
Feb 2022
#12 Call of duty 1
Feb 2022
#13 A fine whine ZONG
Feb 2022
#14 I'm done, gotta run ZONG
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @wsharper69 Feb 2022

    14 songs well done

  • @wsharper69 Feb 2022

    You are rockin out the songs this year
    Keep on Rockin in the FAWM World

  • @marklberry  Feb 2022

    Bro, your songs are locked. How can I listen, smile, and comment?

  • @marklberry  Feb 2022

    Big Daddy Matty,
    You already have two songs up! You rock bro.
    Slol Viking!