matthew62 20


45103 US   Feb 2015

Artist Bio

Influences:   There are too many to list, but the ones that made me want to learn to play guitar and write were Jackson Browne, Gordon Lightfoot, Emmylou Harris, James Taylor, CSN, and Bob Dylan. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Tom Waits, Bruce Cockburn, Sarah Jarosz, Mandolin Orange, Leonard Cohen, Courtney Barnett, and various other rockers and jazz musicians.

This is FAWM number seven for me. Time flies when you're having fun!


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  • @pcob1993  Mar 2022

    Hey Matthew, thank you for your kind words. I've had a bad run the last three years; three family members succumbed to Covid and my youngest nephew checked out by his own hand.
    Left me staring at the fucking ceiling every night and morning but I'm on the mend lately and I'm not giving in now, or ever. I bought a beautiful old tenor sax two months ago and I love it and I'm getting serious on flute and clarinet again but the main striving is and always will be with guitar and songwriting.
    It's so great to know you're still active, I can't thank you enough for the emotional support. I have two songs started this week so I'll send them to you when I get them into shape if that's okay.
    Cheers my friend.

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Twice? Wow, thank you. Seriously, who has time for that? :-)

  • @donna  Mar 2022

    Thank you so much for your very nice comment on 'Sleepin' With a Stranger'. (-: