marklberry 5


Naples, FL US   Jan 2009  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Jimmy Buffet is one of only 8 authors to become number 1 on the New York Times Best Seller List for BOTH Fiction and Non-Fiction.

FAWM 2022

Hey gang, I'm looking forward to actively listening to your creations this year, especially from FAWMStockers. I'll try to post a few lyrics for those friends looking for them. Feel free to hit me up for a collab if you need words for something specific.

FAWM 2021

Let's do this! Excited to be back in full force. This year I'm helping my buddy @evanlutz create his first music album. He's a FAWM virgin and we'll be looking for some of my fav FAWMers, and maybe a few new musician friends, to help us fill out our upcoming songs that will start out mostly as guitar and lyrics. We may add the ukulele since we're both learning it. I'm also psyched to listen to FAWM original music all month and bust a few Zongs

FAWM 2020

I'm getting a late start, but I'm back. Just enough free time for a few songs, but I'll be listening.

FAWM 2017

This is going to be a relaxed year for me. I don't have any special goals or projects in the works, so I hope to be able to listen in to my fav FAWMers, and maybe meet some new ones. As a writer, my contribution has always been lyrics. If you need words for your music, let me know, as I am switching gears from creating companion songs for my prose (essays, short stories, novels, and memoir), to helping others on your projects.

Cheers, Mark

FAWM 2016

Welcome FAWM friends. I think this is my 7th or 8th year (Debs will let me know for sure, she counts better than I do). I do know this is my second Leap FAWM. Onward to 14 ½!

Thanks to so many of you who brought the 41 original companion songs to life for my memoir: 13,760 Feet—My Personal Hole in the Sky. That 348-page book is out on Amazon in print and Kindle formats, and the 15-hour audiobook (with snippets from the companion songs infused into the story) is available on All 41 original songs are also on my website:

This year I am collaborating on songs to accompany my upcoming articles in Airways magazine. I usually tie my lyrics into some form of short story, essay, or article when I can.

I also plan to listen to the FAWM jukebox well past February, so be sure to mark your favorites so I can find them.

Cheers, Mark


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  • @dukongp100 Feb 2022

    hey i uploaded my first listing a couple of weeks ago, if youre still interested in listening. hope youre enjoying fawm

  • @max  Feb 2022

    Met the deadline ;-)
    See comments on the song.

  • @max  Feb 2022

    Thank you Mark.
    Started this day with a smile as wide as the pond between us.
    Very very special gift.

  • @srcoops  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your kind words regarding Retirement. You certainly live in the heart of this kind of thing,

  • @max  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the supporting 'Bro hugs from across the Atlantic'. Much appreciated and needed. Yep, I'm using FAWM as a therapy session this year. Always avoided the songs full of selfpitty but this year I don't care and look what happpens. Never had so many songs, like someone opened the song tap. All I have to do is put glasses under the tap and serve them :-)
    Long story short. First burn-out was 25 years ago and last Christmas burn-out#2 told me to hit the brakes. So I'm at home escaping in music and sorting things out. It's getting better every day.
    But one thing I still cannot deal with is dead-lines. I will have a go at the song tomorrow but cannot promise you anything. Sorry for that :(
    Thanks for all the comments on my songs Mark.

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Thanks, Mark! Nice to see (and read) you again, hope you have a great FAWM!

  • @mattpierce  Feb 2022

    Hey Mark!
    You're doing it right
    writin' them songs
    & makin' em tight!

    Nice to see you again!

    PS can I borrow your guitar?

  • @musicsongwriter Feb 2022

    Hi Mark, thank you for your kind message. Have a wonderful time.

  • @tcelliott  Feb 2022

    Heya, Mark. Good to see you around.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Hey Mark, sure, would be good to collaborate on a song...

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Happy FAWM to you, Mark!! Cheers!!

  • @max  Jan 2022

    Good to see you Mark.
    Ready Steady .... here we GO again!

  • @writeandwrong  Jan 2022

    Happy FAWM 2022! You participating this year?