Andrea Campanile 16


Near Stutt DE   Feb 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   In music: bob marley, sigur ros, sting, skunk anansie, jaque brell, fleetwood mac, tracy chapman, red hot chilly peppers, nora jones, keb mo, white stripes, Kate bush, Zoe keating ... In poetry: hilde domin, e. e. cummings, rilke, irving, robert frost, emmely dickinson,walt whitman, john burnside, ...

Back in 2022 to my second FAWM! Many things changed during the last year. In 21 I startet here with nearly nothing but my lyrics, pen and paper. The experience I made here came together with the fact that I am in a relationship with an musician - and those two facts fall in my soul and awaken an old dream: to make music by my own. I never learned a instrument and I am not a good singer. But I am full off ideas and curiosity!
So I bought me a Mac and a mic, my friend gave me a controller - and so I startet with Garageband. And it was such a fun and still it is.
I am now starting to learn e-bass ...

So, after all I can say: music is a daily part of my life now.

So happy to be here again!
Pronouns: she / her

Check out my beloved fellow and bandmate @DukeMeyer
And my collab partner last year @Safred

You also can hear me coworking with Duke Meyer as Blauer Hase here:


P.P.S.: how will life be after fawm? Is there any life beyond? I'm jokeing, of course, but surely I will miss this community!

P.S.: I made 12 poems and collabs in about 12 days. My brain seems empty but I' m still so glad to be here. It's the first time for me - and to me it feels like an univers of music and potentials!
I love collabs! So, if my words inspire you for a sound - than go for it!

I am writing poems, stories and new fairy tales since many years now. Often inspired about a little textline I read, a song I hear and it´s atmosphere, a strong feeling inside me or a picture .... and - of course - about poems I read.
And above all: life itself!
Just enjoy my words and forgive me my bad translations.
Collaborators welcome!


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @katestantonsings  May 2022

    To be entirely honest, neither do I! I figured that I’d experiment along the way. I know @andygetch uses the site :)

  • @katestantonsings  May 2022

    Hey! I saw your message in the forums, sorry I missed it. I didn't participate in NANOWRIMO like I had hoped, but I have the same profile name there if you ever want to bounce ideas!

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Apr 2022

    That "non human choir" is a guitar if you consider a shovel with two pickups and one string on it a guitar LOL... I do. Please, bass away! I'd love to hear it. I can send you individual stems of my bits too if you want to remix anything.

  • @ambroise Apr 2022

    Vielen dank für deine Komentare ! Deutsch spreche ich gern, aber ich can es nur kaum.
    Ich mag die Texte deiner Lieder zu lesen und hören : sehr poetisch und doch mit sehr konkreten Worten. Zum Beispliel hast du den wort "vertraut" nutzen, und damit brachte ich ein Wörterbuch. Aber solch ein wort ist hilfreich.

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Ich hatte ein sehr interessantes Leben, ja. Ich lebe seit 36 Jahren hier in Katalonien (wie alle meine Freunde hier sagen „Katalonien ist nicht Spanien“), aber ich habe meine Kindheit in Lagos, Nigeria, verbracht. Ich war Schauspieler, Musiker, Multimedia-Performer, Fernsehmoderator, Übersetzer und Universitätsdozent. Aber wenn mich jemand fragt, was ich bin, antworte ich immer. "Ich bin ein Liedermacher"

  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Ich bin Ire, aber meine Muttersprache ist Englisch. Ich schreibe auch Lieder auf Katalanisch und Spanisch. Und ich habe sogar ein Lied auf Französisch geschrieben!

    Ich spreche auch Italienisch, aber das ist jetzt sehr eingerostet. Mein Deutsch ist schrecklich. Ich hatte in den 1970er Jahren eine deutsche Freundin und habe angefangen, die Sprache zu lernen, aber ich bin damit nie weit gekommen. Obwohl ich gelegentlich auf Deutsch singe. Denn als ich Schauspieler war, haben wir eine Show mit dem Titel "Ein Abend mit Brecht" gemacht, damit ich Lieder aus der Weimarer Zeit und Propagandalieder aus der DDR singen kann.

    Hier ist eine:

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Liz Frencham

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Totally fine!!!

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you also for the kind words about my piece "Returning Home from Market". :)

  • @audrey  Mar 2022

    Thank you for listening and leaving such a nice comment about "Disintegration". I appreciate it.

  • @electrocelte Mar 2022

    Thank you for listening @mahtowin!!

  • @grenzgaengerin Mar 2022

    Danke für Deine vielen lieben Kommentare :*

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Oh that is SO GOOD TO HEAR! I'm scrambling to get over the line before the bell. Thank you for letting me use your beautiful lyrics. :)

  • @stephubik  Feb 2022

    Hallo und vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar auf meinem Soundboard... ja, Mark Hollis, Talk Talk und "Spirit Of Eden"... hör es Dir an, wenn Du Zeit dazu hast, am besten in aller Stille und Ruhe... wenn es einen Gott gibt, dann ist er (auch) irgendwo da drin...

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your nice words. Glad you liked it! You are very close to 14 now!

  • @kenficara  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening, and yes, I understand exactly what you mean. Lately my songwriting all feels like attempts to make art out of fatalism and anger. I just did one that addresses that directly and it feels like I've said everything I can.

  • @karan  Feb 2022

    Der Wikipedia-Eintrag zur Reichsflugscheibe - auch Haunebu genannt - erklärt die Sache ganz gut. (Bei mir heißt sie "Hanebüch"!) Es ist wirklich unfassbar, an was manche Menschen glauben und wie lange sich so was halten kann ...

  • @safred Feb 2022

    Thanks for giving OrtXe a listen, these strange tracks will be the way for the remaining time now :D

  • @axl  Feb 2022

    Hey, danke für deinen Kommentar zu Sie und Wir. Da du noch nicht so lang dabei bist, schadet es vielleicht nicht, wenn du dir die Seite mit der Etiquette noch mal anschaust:

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    Translation is nearly always like that, imperfect, leaving some things out. Translating poetry is especially hard, I've heard.

  • @safred Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback on my wierd latest tracks :) I'm a bit slower this year making stuff, and now I have this new thing which is sending me down the dark strange path :D

  • @grenzgaengerin Feb 2022

    Lieben Dank für Deine feinen und herzlichen Kommentare :*

  • @twyllodrus Feb 2022

    Vielen Dank für die Knaller Kommentare. Das hat uns doch sehr inspiriert für mehr Material

  • @wylddandelyon Feb 2022

    I don't pick up much meaning listening to German, but I can get a feel for the rhythm of the poetry that I can't get from trying to phonetically read the words. So listening, even when I don't understand the language, is a bonus, not a chore. :)

  • @analogj Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comment on Gentle Rhythm.

  • @feb21sundari Feb 2022

    Danke für deinen zustimmenden Kommentar. Jetzt bin ich gespannt deine Stücke zu hören.

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for listening and for your lovely comments!

  • @petemurphy  Feb 2022

    Brilliant, thanks so much! My mom is here staying overnight, but I'll get to it as soon as I can :-)

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Re: SC. That was on purpose before I started posting. Initially FAWM autogenerated one from my username but it turns out that there already existed a SC user with the same username as my FAWM username so I edited it to a non-working one. FYI: there is only one more song on my account before FAWM - a christmas song from another of my alter egos. Fixed the link.
    DAW: Logic, btw

  • @petemurphy  Feb 2022

    Hi there,
    Sorry, for some reason my email address was set to private in my profile. I've changed it now, so you should be able to see it on my page. If you still can't see it, let me know.
    Thank you,
    Pete :-)

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening. The nice choir is mostly canned so I can't take credit for that. Now, I'm off to procrastinating a bit more.

  • @grenzgaengerin Feb 2022

    Für dieses Jahr wünsche ich Dir jede Menge Inspirationen hier - Dein Start ist ja bereits phänomenal :D (Lieben Gruß)

  • @andygetch  Feb 2022

    Yes to a collaboration thank you. It may take me a few days. Feel free to send here or by email.

  • @slusk Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments. I actually thought of you(r songs) after uploading Like a Bird because of the spoken word lyrics.

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comments on my songs - I really appreciate it!

  • @virallode Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on Deep Blue - sorry the beat surprised you! It sounds a bit odd because it's 2 breakbeats, one sequenced fairly normally, the other chopled in 8th notes and resequenced randomly - so it sections of the song the drums the basically random within certain constraints

  • @virallode Feb 2022

    Email me at virallode at Gmail dot com (in my bio too) and I'll send you a license - there are some other very good free vsts I'll chuck you some links to also

  • @scubed  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for your kind comment on “Shadows and Signs”!

  • @virallode Feb 2022

    Thank you very much - I'm glad I evoked such a mood!

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment! :)

  • @tageule  Jan 2022

    Hi! Bin gespannt, was du dieses Jahr so machst! Deine Texte sind ja eh super, cool, dass du jetzt auch mehr selbst vertonen willst. Viel Spaß!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Ok :) !

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hello. I am happy to help as much as I am able with cello sounds. Feel free to email me or we can trade ideas here on the soundboards. I also have Garageband. When opening Garageband, I usually use the microphone to record voice or guitar, etc. When I want to create sounds on a track without a physical instrument. I first select the software instrument option. You may already know that one can play notes with instrument effects in Garageband with only a computer keyboard. I will admit it is easier to use a MIDI instrument. Either using the computer keyboard or a MIDI keyboard I have found cello-like software instrument effects in Garageband these ways:
    1) Select 'Orchestral', then 'String Ensemble' (the portion of the piano keyboard is highlighted and the MIDI will not play notes outside of the instrument tuning range). Also there are orchestral choir effects.
    2) 'Vintage Mellotron'
    For me it is fun to play around with the Garageband sounds. There may be more that work for you. Have fun with it!

  • @scubed  Jan 2022

    Selkie was just what I needed last night. I’ve just had ankle surgery, and I was feeling tense all over from pain and frustration. As I listened to this lovely piece, my body relaxed and I felt much better. So thank you!

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Ha It is my first

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    I like Selkie...that pretty chill. I only know a few German phrases..nice for people to see a comment in their own language. Your English is better than mine

  • @gm7  Jan 2022

    Schön, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat Cory Wong. Dass Bassist ist gut .
    That's the best I can muster in German.

  • @safred Jan 2022

    Hey, yes, Mr ironic Icon :D I'm checked in, thinking about what I'll be doing this time around. No idea currently, but thats the fun, yes perhaps another collab is on the cards :)

  • @standup  Jan 2022

    Sorry—this was supposed to go on a Forum topic. Don’t know how I got here.

  • @standup  Jan 2022


  • @beat  Jan 2022

    …jetzt hab ich auch die anderen 4 von 5 „High Fidelity“ songs I’m selben Post zusammengefügt, plus den downsides die auch immer diskutiert werden im Buch…
    Vielleicht hast du ja auch deine eigenen HF Listen
    … just (deutsch) für den Zeitvertreib. ;/ bis count down

  • @dukemeyer  Jan 2022

    Heyyy - willkommen, Wortgewaltige, im Wunderland des Selbertönens! Freu mich auf deine Funken und Federn!

  • @burrsettles  Jan 2022

    Hi there! Your soundcloud links seem to work for me... did you resolve the issue or do you think you're still having problems?

  • @beat  Jan 2022

    Ja, das rockt auch sehr fein.
    Viel Freude und wilde Träume im Februar.
    Ich werd mal bei euch reinhören.

  • @zecoop  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Happy FAWMing!!