jcollins 2


89002 US   Jun 2008

Artist Bio

Influences:   rock, country, blues, pop, classical, FAWM, 5090

I'm going through chemotherapy through March. However oh, I will try to get a couple songs this year


Songs (2)


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  • @faststrings Feb 2022

    Hey Jerry, my friend you are doing an awesome job on your songs this year I like them bro!

  • @klaus Feb 2022

    Hi Jerry. Thanks for the message. Sorry to read about your health issues. I hope it's nothing too serious and if it is I'm even more sorry. Take care now.

  • @kanttila  Feb 2022

    Hey Jerry, nice to see you on here, thanks for the comments!

  • @kingwoodkowboy  Feb 2022

    Howdy Jerry. Welcome and Lookin' frontward to your postings.