lstlvs 2


Hartford US   Jan 2022  

Artist Bio

Influences:   CHON, TOE, Stage Kids, Don Caballero, Invalids, Punk, Hardcore and pretty much indie/emo/folk stuff. Let me know. I'm down to try out new stuff

Hey Everyone,
My name is Arthur Bueno and I go under the alias LST LVS (Lost Loves). I'm happy to have found this community given that I wanted to be a contributor to this February project. I play guitar and bass and do drum programming and such. I'm also a photographer and try to bring a camera with me everyday.

I currently am an owner of a TASCAM 424 MK1 and a TASCAM Porta 03 Ministudio.

I hope to collab with you all this coming month!!

Songs (2)

#1 Eleven Clouds Lost Whispers (4-track tape collab #17) @whispermouse  2
Feb 2022
#2 Things Start to Melt @elesimo  1
Feb 2022


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  • @standup  Feb 2022

    It was fun to work on the tape you started. That's the thing with these 4-tracks, you never have ANY IDEA where it will end up. You play a indie-rock riff, and somebody after you will play a flute. And someone will do rhythm with spoons. It's impossible to predict where any of this will go.

  • @whispermouse  Feb 2022

    Thanks! You guys created such a beautiful soundscape on those three tracks that all I wanted to do was preserve it.

    Awesome collab!

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    welcome to fawm!

  • @guatecoop  Feb 2022

    Hello and Welcome to you! I'm glad that you are here and are bringing along TWO four tracks!! Wow. So, you're joining us on that challenge? Great! I hope that your FAWM is a good experience!

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Hey there - assuming you've read the basics on the main forum post, but I can add you onto a tape. Generally as tapes are added you take a look and ask on the forum thread to be added to Tape X track Y. If you are last, you need to be able to mix it down and post it (not everyone feels comfy doing that). All the tapes (other than special cases) are recorded at 1x speed with no DBX. That's it! Send your name and address to me at zecoop at yahoo dot com so I can add it to the private address list. People either ask the person they are sending it to or talk to me to get the addresses. :)

    Any questions, just let me know!

  • @gardeningangel1  Feb 2022

    Hi! I saw your post in the forums and you're asking questions so you're already on the right track. One note, we don't usually comment on our own soundboards (don't worry, pretty much every fawmling does this!). If you want to respond to a comment click that persons name and leave a comment on their soundboard. Happy FAWMing!

  • @lstlvs Jan 2022

    Hey All!! Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm really excited about this. I'm not sure where to start in this community? Anyone want to guide me?

  • @tseaver  Jan 2022

    Welcome, and happy FAWMing!

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Welcome to FAWM!

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hello there and welcome to FAWM. Cool photos!