lowhum 18


Varna BG   Jan 2016


Artist Bio

Influences:   Beatles, Bob Dylan, bossa nova, Coltrane, VU, reggea, Bjork, Huun-huur-tu, music hall, Аквариум, astrology, non-Hollywood cinema, cicadas, cyberpunk, Walt Whitman, Pelevin, Cohen, Coen, Monty Python, Gertrude Stein, Brecht, Mayakovsky, Bulgakov, green tea, Daoism, cut-up poetry, John Cage, Lisbon, Joyce, Kathmandu, Iggy Pop, Duchamp, Kraftwerk, free-jazz, Eno, Bowie, Byrne, Pogues, Quwwalli, Fela, Farka, Santana, Zappa et al.... the Dubliners!

I see what I wrote last year and I'm glad I'm back for a 7th time around!
Merry and gay fawm-ing to all! If you like anything I do - feel free to contact - we can do something together. Let them miracles abound!
a pleasure to be alive and kicking songs in February for the 6th time!
Free for anything!

oh, yeah 5th time around!

I still mainly play guitar and sing and hum. I will most likely also play bass, mandolin and keyboards :))

Happy to collaborate with anyone who feels like it.

Can do lyrics,
can do music
sometimes both
as they come!

Happy 20 20-ies!

---- last year
4th year around!
I'll be doing mostly acoustic takes and probably some others :))

Open for all kinds of collabs, challenges, Chinese New Ears, etc.

I mainly play guitar, but also some mandolin, bass and if time and space permit whatever I find soundable.

I can also carry tunes of my and some others' making.

Wish everyone a delightful and prolific February!


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  • @cicpisces  Feb 2022

    @lowhum thanks for your music on Heads Turn. What a great way to finish Fawm. Thank you.

  • @cicpisces  Feb 2022

    @lowhum as we don't have much time You can take one of my existing lyrics. If nothing appeals I can write something new. Let me know.

  • @fireball  Feb 2022

    hey hey! i got everything. thanks.
    i'm busy for the next couple days, but i'll have friday-saturday-sunday to add my part and put it all together.

  • @negasi Feb 2022

    Sounds good sorry I thought I replied already my bad! :D

  • @leepat  Feb 2022

    yes! crazy bass please! I send you tracks..

  • @dzdandcunfsd  Feb 2022

    You're up for morph chain 3. I sent you an email, or my part is https://fawm.org/songs/132532/

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    song #8 on my profile. i added you as collaborator so you can post your version and add any notes you want,

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    That video is really something. You are inventive.

  • @emkaydeebee  Feb 2022

    Hey @lowhum - it was a harp at the end of I See You See Me!

  • @nateger  Feb 2022

    Thank you, lowhum! Your comment gave me a big smile :)

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    "restringing a guitar with two sets of 6, 5 and 4 strings and tuning it to a pentatonic" - clever!

  • @negasi Feb 2022

    Whatever works for you! If something I have up already speaks to you go for it, if not I can write something new :D

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    i like your interpretion of last man standing. may i post it and credit you as composer and performer?

  • @billwhite51 Feb 2022

    id like to hear desolation row sung tp the tune of miss otis regrets, but it probably wouldnt work. but the miss otis refrain sung by dylan gospel-era back up singers after each verse,,,,i can hear that

  • @quork  Feb 2022

    Good man, take your time.

  • @dreamscuba  Feb 2022

    Hey @lowhum I resent to you this morning...
    @quork did you get my full minute I sent previously? I sid send the 10s to @lowhum ...

  • @quork  Feb 2022

    Hey, did you get @dreamscuba's 10 seconds? I'm salivating waiting for your part, creating my 1 minute then pulling a Dr. Frankenstein and stitching it all together. P.S. hope you're having a good FAWM.

  • @zecoop  Feb 2022

    Sending over my 10s to you for the acoustic lofi corpse.... :)

  • @dragondreams  Feb 2022

    Thank you. :-)
    And I have a hulusi. I just daren't play it because it frightens my cats. :-D

  • @halfwayhome  Feb 2022

    Hey, cheers for the listen (Memory #1) - yeah, I hadn't heard Pink Floyd there, but you're dead right. I can hear plenty of other bits and bobs though - lawyers would have a field-day with this one!

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening - going to major is a good idea. I will give it a try. That was just the version of yesterday evening ;-)

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for the Bulgarian!

  • @sunnymae  Feb 2022

    OMG lowhum you made me laugh so hard, I had to put my coffee down.
    Thank you so much for the best comments on "Are You Listening" my little opening song to the Spirits. I wish you a wonderfully creative FAWM my friend. :0)

  • @datsch  Feb 2022

    Hey, my next song has a title in Bulgarian (I'm going through the alphabet, Chinese will be next) I'm trying to say 'Crow's Copse' where a copse is a small bit of woodland on it's own in a big field. Google tells me 'Bele Zuloa' is that anything close? Hope you have a great fawm.

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    Hi there!

  • @karlsburg25  Jan 2022

    Welcome back matey. Can't wait to hear more of your stuff

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Welcome back! Looking forward to more of your music!

  • @leepat  Jan 2022

    yeah, polychromatic and monozygotic, let’s get fruitful and truthful and quinto-chaotic

  • @coolparadiso  Jan 2022

    Good to see you back in the mad house!