Loud Lemons / Ludo CréaCoach 14


Paris FR   Jan 2020

Artist Bio

Influences:   Disco, Jazz, House, Funk

What I make has no relation whatsoever with what my influences are... It takes time to do good Disco, Jazz, House, and Funk and it can be tough to butcher what is dear to your heart.

So, although I love Tame Impala, Allah Las, Dope Lemon... So far I end up butchering psychedelic rock. Let's see which hole my inspiration rabbit choose to dig this year ^^

I used to be a Student at Catalyst Berlin where I wrote an MA partly around the concept of Flow and partly around creating participational musical cues for breathing exercises. This challenge is hardly connected to the latter although I do those exercises several times a day and they help me greatly in being a more confident and more creative person, but is very connected with my investigation of flow.

I'm not doing this challenge for you, rather for me, but I hope you like some of what I'm doing and I'm really looking forward to your feedback !

I'm proud to be once again part of this loving community of crazy songwriters ahah


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  • @ambroise Apr 2022

    Bravo pour tes 14 chansons ! Ça m'a fait du bien d'entendre quelques titres ne français !

  • @mikeb  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen and comment on 'The Perfect Take'!

  • @torsten  Feb 2022

    Grüße nach Berlin und einen guten Flow! (Deine Soundcloud- und FB-Adressen oben funktionieren noch nicht.)