lonelyrobot 0


Derby UK   Jan 2010


Artist Bio

Influences:   Life, love and robots ... Idlewild, The Weakerthans / John K Samson, Mineral, Frightened Rabbit, Caspian, Tellison, Jimmy Eat World, The Tallest Man on Earth, Pinegrove, Martha, Human Pyramids ... and many, many more

I like to make folky/emo songs about hope, home and nostalgia. I'm neither lonely nor a robot.

I'm in a band called GodNo! with @shelleyjane


FAWM 2022: Probably unlikely to get much done due to having a 2nd baby in November. If I do manage anything then I'll probably do some acoustic emo and some ambient/post-rock type stuff, but who knows. Always up for collabs as that might force me to do something!

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).
