lizbrinker 3


Rockville, US   Jan 2021  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Tim O’Brien, Stevie Wonder, Randy Newman, Tom Lehrer, Aretha Franklin, Lucinda Williams, Jonatha Brooke, Dar Williams, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Tin Pan Alley Era music, ‘70s music, Celtic, Blues, Swing Jazz, American Songbook...

Liz Brinker, from poetically-named Rockville, MD, and, originally, Oklahoma, has been musically involved since day one. Dance came first, closely followed by choirs of all manner and music theater through young adulthood. While single and lonely, she bought her first guitar at The House Of Musical Traditions in Takoma Park, MD and immediately embarked on a decades-long love affair...until she met the ukulele. “Where have you been all my life?”, she asked. The instrument answered, “My dog has fleas.” They are living happily ever after. After a 16-year stint teaching early-childhood music classes for Music Together, Liz teaches guitar, mandolin and, primarily, ukulele from home, when she is not making Acapella videos like a madwoman.


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  • @andrea  Mar 2022

    Hi Liz, I just found out you provided the vocals for Shangri-La and I wanted to say thank you so much! I am truly grateful for your collaboration on this song. Your voice is absolutely gorgeous. With @richaaaay's music and your vocals the song is so beautiful. I will always be proud of being a part of this song. I just love it! Enjoy, Andrea

  • @pumpkinhead Feb 2022

    Miss you and you songs this year. Hope that you are doing good.

  • @wingandwaltz  Jan 2022

    Hey @lizbrinker ! Hoping to begin hear the magic you create in a wee 6 days!

  • @kenmattsson  Jan 2022

    So looking forward to your new music here this year!