littlespiral 14


90016 US   Feb 2016


Artist Bio

Influences:   Tori Amos, Radiohead, They Might Be Giants, Ani DiFranco, Muse, Mutemath, Fiona Apple, Amanda Palmer, Imogen Heap, Ben Folds

I'm a piano-pop singer-songwriter who writes at the intersection of technology and heart. Hello. :)

I like mixing indie pop, classical, blues and electronic influences with poetry, media and the internet. Join my Patreon's Song of the Month Club for as little as $1 a month and help bring these songs into the studio!

This year I'll be livestreaming the FAWM process exclusively on :)

Songs (14)

#1 I Just Heard about Peter 8
Feb 2022
#2 Next Time I'm a Tree 4
Feb 2022
#3 Feels Real @daveyboy103  10
Feb 2022
#4 Next time I'm a tree @cubizm  11
Feb 2022
#5 Good Hands 2
Feb 2022
#6 the story about the monkeys 7
Feb 2022
#7 The Apocalypse or Whatever 7
Feb 2022
#8 Draw the Eyes 3
Feb 2022
#9 Robots Made This Song 4
Feb 2022
#10 Good Hands @robynsdad 7
Feb 2022
#11 Meaning of Things 4
Feb 2022
#12 Shoo! 1
Feb 2022
#13 if you're not in you're out @allaboutgeorge  1
Feb 2022
#14 The Little Things 4
Feb 2022


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @soundcanvasuk Feb 2022

    Thank you for your very kind comment :) Only just getting around to listening to other people's stuff now that the thing is over! So will have a listen to yours over next few days :)

  • @elesimo  Feb 2022

    I wrote another palindromic song this year:

    I still love the one we did together back in 2020, it's one of my favorite songs ever!

  • @timlaborie Feb 2022

    Hey Littlespiral I just heard your collaboration with Cubism. Your song is so much in line with one of mine I thought you might like to hear it. Mine started from the fear: what if I was reborn as a tree and couldn't more.

  • @robynsdad Feb 2022

    Hi Suzanne - I have some music for Good Hands, would love to put it up with your permission. Let me know, thanks!

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Did you get the music for Feels Real by email?

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    So glad you liked my treatment of feels Real. I will email you the music and a guide track.

  • @cubizm  Feb 2022

    Please let me know if you approve of the collab. If not, I'll take it down.

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    It's coming., it's coming. I would love you to sing it if you are up for that?

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Hi Suzanne, I used some of your words from FiftNinety for a song. You ok with me posting that?

    Feels real.

  • @robynsdad Feb 2022

    @littlespiral nice to see you too.

  • @phylo  Feb 2022

    Suzanne - I hope you'll be joining us - looking forward to your wonderful tunes

  • @cibele Jan 2022

    Happy Fawm lovely spiral x

  • @daveyboy103  Jan 2022

    Hey Suzanne, I have used some of your words from Fifty Ninety, Feel Real, for one of my songs for FAWM.

    Hopefully this is OK with you. I tried to message you on Soundcloud.

  • @cicpisces  Jan 2022

    Have a good FAWM. I'll be watching. :)

  • @stuarthu Jan 2022

    Hola, Suzanne! Thanks for alerting me to FAWM, feels like a lovely community!

  • @elesimo  Jan 2022

    Hi, Suzanne! Any plans for FAWM this year? Looking forward to your songs!