Lee Pat 12


Brussels BE   Feb 2016


Artist Bio

Influences:   90s grunge and britpop, 60s rock'n'roll, 70s hard rock, 20s and 30s evergreens, classical piano of all ages, 50s and 60s bebop and all that jazz.


it's getting so busy round here, I wish I were retired already. but then my back would hurt, wouldn't it?

anyway, here's the plan for this year:
- use chords from post (http://1234musictheory.com/1to100)
- limit of one hour per song.

Let's see if it holds up ;)

Always happy to collab, so hit me up!

Have a good FAWM and let's be friends!


And of course, fill my survey:
(I'll be forever in your debt)


    Leave a message. Log in to FAWM or sign up first!
  • @berni1954  Mar 2022

    Thanks for your listens to my songs.

  • @mandolinda  Mar 2022

    Wow, people are still commenting. I came out today to archive, and found comments to reply. Thanks for the listen and comment.

  • @kendrakinsey  Mar 2022

    Thanks for sharing the website. That's a great tool-- I'd love to try it out too! Maybe next year!

  • @andyt13 Mar 2022

    Hey thanks for your many thoughtful and kind comments on my tunes! XO

  • @ampersandman  Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your listens. Yep, I remember you being very savvy at music theory which I always admired.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot for your recommendation

  • @billwhite51 Mar 2022

    orginal take on the riff song. captain beefheart is the only one who comes close to this level of creativity within confined forms.

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed.

    Yes I meant the choir on "Fit right in" but then the rhyme scheme dropped. Choral - vowal is still only a near rhyme. Not sure what works better. We will rerecord the song in a better quality and with a better vocalist.

    I'm a big fan of the bass on "Disco Blues". The vocals will have a different phrasing. We're working on it in the next weeks and months and I'm sure it will be great stuff!

  • @nadine Mar 2022

    Thanks a lot :)

  • @frogspawn Mar 2022

    @frogspawn thanks you for those nice comments on the @pointlessaccount/@frogspawn post-FAWM FAWM. And will ooze over @timfatchen to return the compliment, because he owes me for not taking over his mind for more than 24 hours.

  • @guatecoop  Mar 2022

    Hey there! That was nice of you to give the recommendation. I can't believe that I haven't stopped by yet this year. Well, that ends now...I'm going to start with your solo stuff and then go into collabs. Cheers!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Mar 2022

    Hey there Iliya - I got a bare bones version of what I came up with for your swinging guitar parts. Hope you like it! I've got three more songs to finish and then I'll be back to visit your page for some listening.

  • @iwilleatyou Feb 2022

    I googled iambic pentameter 'cause I had no idea what it was and after reading up on it I still have no idea what it is. If you could please go back to the song and post up a more relatable comment IE: Dude this rocks and rolls, or, Ohmygosh my ballz are explosive! That would be fantastic thank you kindly.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    I’ve got an idea for our collab just struggling to get time to flesh it out. Will try to get it in before the bell.

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Hey man, sorry I asked you to email me tracks, then haven't gotten to it yet...

  • @bithprod  Feb 2022

    A'ight, I made something with a bit of a 60's touch. Let me know what you think, and sorry again about the poor vocals. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/u39113l8soqk5c9/MaybeWhole_leepat_bithprod_fawm2022.mp3

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Hey Iliya, I LOVE what you sent me and I’m gonna have fun with it. The next few days are full of commitments but I’m trying to guard some time from Wednesday next week through to the weekend for FAWM and I’ll send you what I come up with ASAP.

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Next week. Next week is the week I will come back with a vengeance.

  • @fonte  Feb 2022

    Ha yes, now that you mention it it’s clear he (I?) CAN think...just not about much! And yeah definitely more fun to be had with the lyrics, in time! Thanks for stopping by :-)

  • @stevenwesleyguiles  Feb 2022

    Hey Lee! I emailed you the song. :)
    Let me know if you need anything. Cheers!

  • @fearlessflight2014  Feb 2022

    Hey there Iliya, would you consider sending me some more beautiful guitar chords to make a song out of. Rooster Strut has become a regular one for me.

  • @stevenwesleyguiles  Feb 2022

    lee - I am STILL gonna take a look at the music you sent me. :)
    Thanks for the kind words on my track.

  • @sph  Feb 2022

    Thank you for listening. Will turn up the bass ...

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Awesome I'd really enjoy adding vocals to caterpillar eyes! Yes, please send me the tracks and I'll see what comes out! Sync at blastdaddy dot com.

  • @sync  Feb 2022

    Great link thx for sharing!

  • @deena  Feb 2022

    Hi Lee! Great to see you and hear you again!

  • @sheamiejay  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • @lowhum Jan 2022

    Some day we should all go quartal! Polymodal! Iterloperal! Holycarnatic! Intui-tonal!

  • @boyatheart Jan 2022

    Hey Lee.
    Vest wishes my friend. :)