laytay 0


Austin US   Dec 2017

Artist Bio

Influences:   dreams. space. shimmers. twinkles. melody. harmony. ebony. ivory. nylon strings. oh, people? so many. here's the short list: Joni! Cyndi! Bjork! Joanna Newsom, Kate Bush, Mary Timony,...some dudes too :): Paul & John, Thom & Jonny, Harry Nilsson, Jeff Buckley, Paul Simon, Nick Drake, Gary Frank Taylor (my pops),...

Lace, remember that you started a song during FAWM on a 20 work minute break one day and finished it while driving around the next. No time is not an excuse. Love, Lacie

UPDATE 2021 (Tue 2/16/21)
For the second half of this FAWM, I'm shifting my focus to recording. I'm SO INSPIRED BY YOU GUYS!!!! I can't believe how many of you FAWMers post fully produced, awesome sounding songs, like daily. With effects and percussion and multiple tracks and.... it's so badass. I want that. I'm gonna figure out a set up w/ low learning curve and practice practice practice. Chop wood, carry water. Wax on wax off. I welcome any tips for noobs/ tech-phobes. THANK YOU.

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @dock  Jan 2022

    Hey Lacie! great to see you here again. I look forward to doing more music with you. Happy FAWMing! And YES! I think our collab was my favorite song!

  • @singingsister  Jan 2022

    Thanks for inspiring me to do this Lacie! TOOOOTALLY get your Joanna Newsom influence, yes!!!

  • @kendrakinsey  Jan 2022

    HEYYY! love you and can't wait to music with you again :)