Amanda Rose Riley 3


New Jersey US   Jan 2020  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Folk and rock singer-songwriters, punk/alternative, anti-folk, indie folk & pop, and a little bit of everything. My favorite songwriter is Frank Turner.

This will be my third year doing FAWM and 50/90. My style tends to be quirky, rock & pop influenced acoustic music. I'm somewhat open to other genres but mostly in the pop, rock, or folk vein. I stick to YouTube demos for FAWM because for me this is exclusively a songwriting challenge, and I don't like to distract myself with production. I'm always looking to improve my skills with collabs and new challenges.

I enjoy collaborations where the other person sends me either a complete lyric that I can set to music, or a complete instrumental track that I can write and sing lyrics to. If you think it could be a good fit and you like my style/influences, feel free to get in touch!

Note: I don't always have time to listen to enough songs to return every comment. Sorry!

Pronouns: She/Her


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  • @jorgevallentine Feb 2022

    Hi Amanda!

    Thanks for your comment on "Your Shining Star". I'm not sure if I've ever been compared to Dylan before, but I'll certainly take it! Weirdly enough, I'm one of those songwriters who hasn't actually listened to Dylan all that much. I gotta do some real diving into his stuff at some point.

    I will say I heard his song "Hurricane" though for the first time a couple months back and I felt like it had the same kind of energy as some of my songs and I really liked that one.

    Any particular Dylan favorites of yours you'd recommend?

  • @jessicagraae  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments on my Science Bad song!

  • @jorh  Feb 2022

    Thanks for you’re lovely comment on ‘the more you’. No worries totally understandable, if you do have time nearer the end of FAWM feel free to pop back in and have a crack at it :)

  • @gregthehero Feb 2022

    hey Amanda, just checking in to see if you're still interested in singing some harmonies? if so, I will (try to) start to write something suitable and demo it for you to play around with. how should I contact you, the email above? thanks, rock on!

  • @lhcisco  Jan 2022

    Amanda!! What's up?!? Good to see you too. I'm sure you're gonna kill it this year as usual.

  • @tabitha Jan 2022

    Hey Amanda, thanks for responding to my call for radio guests. Unfortunately due to the large response, I already have enough participants and don't think I have time to add in any more this time around, sorry. It's sad, I would have loved to have a chat with everyone who offered. If some of the interviews fall through or the time I have available increases I will get in touch though! I had an enjoyable listen to your band camp and will continue to check out what you're doing during FAWM.
    Cheers, and Happy FAWM - I hope you have a great one,

  • @andygetch  Jan 2022

    Hey Amanda! I hope that you have a great FAWM.

  • @metalfoot  Jan 2022

    Hey! All the best for FAWM for this year!