klyma 20


Arlington, US   Jan 2021


Artist Bio

Influences:   Steve Earle, Tom Petty, Guy Clark, Bob Dylan, Hank Williams, Harlan Howard, Willie Nelson, Todd Snider, John Prine, Young-Scott-Young (AC/DC)... country, folk, rock 'n' roll

Greg Klyma does his own stunts: songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, 2-stepper, daydreamer, carnival barker. Join GK on Twitch 2-3/wk, http://twitch.tv/socialklyma

#klyma #socialklyma

shit ton of music available at:


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  • @klyma Feb 2022

    @mikegtz seriously! How's your FAWM goin? Between FAWM and Twitch, I'm online and steeped in music all day.

  • @mikegtz  Feb 2022

    Hey Greg, you've been busy! Good to see you here this year.

  • @klyma Feb 2022

    Also @andrewrusse Thank you! Crossed the Finish Line on Feb 12. Then was working on a charity event for a couple of days. Got back on the FAWM horse on Tuesday. Trying for at least 20 songs. Hopefully so!

  • @klyma Feb 2022

    @andrewrusse phew!!! lol :D

  • @andrewrusse Feb 2022

    Thanks for the listen on Surprise Me. You made me laugh on the 2nd verse - I sang the words wrong, my wife thought it wasn't too bad... I posted it... LOL The actual lyrics make slightly more sense (slightly!). I might rerecord the demo when I get to 14. Anyways - you've already made it! Well done :)

  • @mk2021 Feb 2022

    Well done 14 songs with days to spare.

  • @klyma Feb 2022

    Right on @bethkille I'll have to check out the update! So happy that my input was helpful. Thanks for letting me know.

  • @bethkille  Feb 2022

    Hey fellow fawmer- I so appreciate your comments on my song Die or Thrive -Thanks for the listen! The line you mentioned as "taking you out of the song" was one I had been struggling with, so I tweaked it and uploaded a new version. I so appreciate constructive feedback! Happy fawming!!

  • @mk2021 Feb 2022

    Cheers for the comments. This challenge always puts a rocket under us to create something quickly. I'm reasonably pleased with my efforts so far even though my approach is only very low tech. Loving your tunes amigo.

  • @spingo  Feb 2022

    Aw, thanks!

  • @clbalke  Feb 2022

    Thanks!!! I love seeing your work!!!

  • @daveyboy103  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll take Peter Gabriel every day.

  • @themelgoexperience  Feb 2022

    Heya! Thanks for your kind words on my first song--looking forward to hearing you again this year! Melissa

  • @clbalke  Feb 2022

    Hey!!! Greg!!! so good to see you here!!! Excited to see what comes of this month!!!

  • @davidsnyder Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment! I will be watching you too!

  • @stephentanner  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the song. The thing about scars is an absolute gem by the way. I think this FAWM is going to be a fun one.

  • @philhenry  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comments, Greg-- great to see you here! Happy FAWMing!