Ken Ficara 13


11238 US   Feb 2007  

Artist Bio

Influences:   Truth, sanity, immigration, civil rights, journalism.

I'm based in Brooklyn, and make music with harmonica, electronics, guitar and found objects. Being apolitical at a time like this is ignorant at best. “Seeing both sides” enables the extremists.

Racists, religious extremists and other Repugnant Party supporters are not welcome. Black lives matter. Science is real. Sanity is not partisan.


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  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Oh my gosh, what an amazing line you're written - "Her words were like scalpels and his were big baseball bats." If you don't use that in a song I will!! Also - what's a song swap? Sounds fun regardless!

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    OH, also - yes to the harmonica, that would be so cool to hear! And thanks for the comments on "Let's Sit. . .," it's actually my son's violin, which is easier for my little fingers to play and also not as heavy. Dang, I'm getting old haha.

  • @angelinapowersuit Mar 2022

    Ken, you are on to something - "Life on the Freeway" is perhaps not about the temporary and superficial effect of a drug but the seemingly eternal depression/anxiety it masks and the struggle to alleviate it. Wow, thanks for the psychoanalysis, how much do I owe you? ;-)

  • @katestantonsings  Feb 2022

    Your comments this evening have left me feeling weightless—I promise you that I’ll pay it forward to the next person that needs it. Heartfelt thank you!!! Means a LOT.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Thanks a lot for your comment on Skyscraper! I asked Kate for the main vocals because I knew she'd nail it its very hard to sing and she did it so well. With all the glitter we don't need smoke bombs lol

  • @adambeiter Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment Ken! I don't know too many avant-EDM artists, but one that I know of is a German DJ named Hypnoskull, I found him after finding out that he did a cool electronica/glitchcore version of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht's "Benares Song" from the scenic cantata Mahagonny-Songspiel. It's one of the only cover versions of the song I could find on the Internet. The instrumentation of "Who's the Snowflake Now?" reminded me a bit of those vibes! Obviously, in terms of general EDM, you can't go wrong with some of the greats: Daft Punk, SOPHIE, and lots of others I haven't gotten into yet.

  • @jayjay  Feb 2022

    @kenficara lol no judgement. I am a first time FAWMer and I can see how it pushes you to get stuff down which is great. Good material to work on for the next 11 months for sure.

  • @ampersandman  Feb 2022

    Ken my man! Thanks so much for your kind words on „Killer machines“ and your recommendation! Means a ton to me!

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    And yet the irony is this: Putin is about to go to War in Europe & we're going to have WWIII. Those same "patriots" will be calling for a draft in order to fill the ranks of your military so they can go & fight "the commie bastard".

    There's bigger problems in the world & people seem focused on things that don't really matter as much. But then, I guess camping in your truck in a nation's capital for three weeks before getting arrested & having your truck (aka your livelyhood) impounded & hopefully sold at auction to pay back some of the costs the City of Ottawa incurred over the length of the occupation is what constitutes "patriotism" these days. What a sad screwed up world we live in.

    Thanks for making me use my brain :D

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @mahtowin  Feb 2022

    Thanks for listening to Schafe / Sheep :-)
    I am just listening through your songs. I wish sonetimes I could write such political songs. But when I try I end up in fatalism or anger and I hardly find words.

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Yeah, we got a whole lot of winter reverb here too LOL

    Thanks for the listen & the comment, Ken!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @jsini  Feb 2022

    Thank you for your comments on The Band's Last Song. I appreciate the nod to the harmonies, too. Your mention of Fairport Convention made me smile. -Suzanne

  • @clioem Feb 2022

    Thanks so much for tuning in on Landscape Vignettes :D

  • @marthie Feb 2022

    thank you for listening

  • @cindyrella  Feb 2022

    Thanks for letting me know. Very cool sound!

  • @jsini  Feb 2022

    Thanks for your comment! I have not listened to others yet, I got a late start and I’m trying to catch up. But I look forward to hearing your work.

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment, Ken & the book suggestion. You're right, that;s right on the mark for my song. I'm gonna have to get my hands on the book & give it a read (post FAWM of course LOL)

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @angelinapowersuit Feb 2022

    Ken!!! Man it's been too long! Loved our songwriting circle. Damn pandemic! Hope you are doing great!

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    ps, oh and you're right- in the 'democracy is leaving' song, the beer hall putsch thing is probably a better comparison, tho i guess in the back of my head I wondered if more people would know the reichstag reference?

  • @mikeskliar  Feb 2022

    great to see ya back here! :)

  • @candle  Feb 2022

    Hey Ken! Good to see you FAWMing. Looking forward to your output this year!

    See You In The Shadows…

  • @caterwauler Feb 2022

    Ken, it's so good to see you! I've missed you too!
    I won't be doing much this year, but I'm glad to be in touch with you again. Hope you have a great FAWM!