kembole 14


Kouvola FI   Feb 2020

Artist Bio

"Don't ever let perfection get in the way of good enough. If you're not putting things out in the world, you're fucking hurting. Period."
-Kevin Hayes, son of Lili Hayes.

30-something dude working from home. Very modern appoach to making music. Working with a small physical setup. Working with Slate, Native Instruments and Neural DSP.


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  • @nadine Feb 2022

    Can I find your finished music somewhere? You create damn good songs.

  • @emplate  Feb 2022

    Thank you so much for the comment on Hiihtävä surma! I, too, love Ulver. Their early work belong among the finest of black metal. For the drums I used Addictive Drums 2 Diabolic.

  • @nadine Feb 2022

    No worries, it's FAWM time! I enjoyed a calm Sunday and just check my watchlist and comments. No songwriting today! You've been compared to Mew? That's interesting... Last year, people told me my rock songwriting reminds on Queens of the Stone Age. Though being a quite well-known band I didn't knew them. But I listened and enjoyed!

  • @leka Feb 2022

    kiitän nöyrästi

  • @hmorg  Feb 2022

    Thanks for the comment on "Wireweaver's Theme"! Maybe I'll use "Decker" for another song, maybe one that's actually black metal.

  • @js6 Jan 2022
