kayepeanyc 7


11215 US   Feb 2013

Artist Bio

Influences:   Stevie Wonder, Carole King, Dolly Parton, Bonnie Raitt, Ray Barretto, Mary Chapin Carpenter, etc.

Singer, songwriter, guitar novice, piano lessons TBD. Currently working on several musicals. Love lots of different kinds of music--classical, pop, show tunes, Latin, cabaret, Caribbean, bluegrass, country, dance music of all types, soundtracks, World music (whatever that means), etc. Looking to connect with other composers. I do lots of a cappella recordings because it's easier for me to sing than to play.


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  • @kcc  Feb 2022

    Hi K,

    Thanks for your comments about your listen to into the well! Glad it was impactful, week and a half left!!!
