Katy Droege-Macdonald 0


Hamburg DE   Jan 2015


Artist Bio

Influences:   Julia Ecklar, Kathy Mar, Joan Baez, Loreena McKennitt, who kicked me back into the singing gear way back then. Later, Dar Williams and Ty Greenstein... Steps: 1) http://jukaty.filk.de and now 2) folk / rock covers (Twotonic), next up own songs??? :)

I have always been more of a music writer than a lyrics writer ... for a large part of my active musicianship, I wrote music for the awesome lyrics my friend Ju would throw at me ... but since I'd like to pursue a slightly different musical path now, I look for places to be inspired - what better place than FAWM? :)
Sadly, I am notoriously short of time, and February is particularly difficult since it is filled with choir concert prep ...
But even one song is better than no song ;)

Songs (0)

No songs by this fawmer (yet).


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  • @leslie  Feb 2022

    Thank you, Katy. I would share some of my synaesthesia with you if I could. <3